まえりょう家族3人でコースを注文しました。 色んな種類のお肉を一切れずつ食べれて、それぞれが美味しくて良かったです。 お料理の提供も待たされる事なく、スムーズに食事が出来ました。 スタッフの方も親切で丁寧でした...家族3人でコースを注文しました。
(Translated by Google)
I ordered a course for my family of three.
I was able to eat a variety of different types of meat, and each one was delicious.
I was able to enjoy my meal smoothly without having to wait for the food to be served.
The staff were also kind and polite.
The only thing that bothered me was that they asked me to pay at the table, so when I told them to pay by card,
I went to the back with my credit card, and the receipt and card were returned to me without being paid in front of me.
The family who was with me was also worried, asking, ``I took my card with me. Is it okay?''
I think it's okay because I think it's a neat shop, but next time I go, I'll let them know. -
ss 2525予約の意味が全くないお店。 前の客がまだいるからと エアコンのきいてない寒い外で待てとのこと 対応悪い。 11月も下旬なのに 夏の延長で刺身も提供ないものこと。 移転前の方が良かった。 とても残念 (Tran...予約の意味が全くないお店。
(Translated by Google)
A restaurant where there is no point in making reservations.
Because the previous customer is still there.
I was told to wait outside in the cold without air conditioning.
Poor response.
Even though it's late November
Due to the extension of summer, sashimi will not be available.
It was better before the move.
Very disappointing -
Asamiランチコースはサラダ、お米、味噌汁、デザートが付いていました。 たくさんの種類のお肉を食べられて満足🩷 個室は広々していてゆっくり食事が楽しめます。 (Translated by Google) The lunch course came with ...ランチコースはサラダ、お米、味噌汁、デザートが付いていました。
(Translated by Google)
The lunch course came with salad, rice, miso soup, and dessert.
I'm happy to be able to eat so many different types of meat 🩷
The private rooms are spacious and you can enjoy your meal slowly. -
soleil 【ソレイユ】北千住リラクゼーションサロンお肉がとても美味しかったです! 肉の質が本当に良くて、ユッケは感動しました(*^^*) お酒の種類が多いのも魅力的でした! サイドメニューは味は結構普通で、肉がとにかくオススメです! あと店員さんの感じ...お肉がとても美味しかったです!
(Translated by Google)
The meat was very delicious!
The quality of the meat was really good and Yukhoe was impressed (*^^*)
It was also attractive that there were many types of alcohol!
The taste of the side menu is pretty average, and the meat is highly recommended!
Also, the staff was very nice (*^^*) -
Ceto移転前の印象が良かったので移転後の口コミを見ずに利用してしまいました。 他の方と同様、良くない印象を受けました。 具体的にはホール担当女性スタッフの態度、提供時間の遅さ、責任者であろう男性調理スタ...移転前の印象が良かったので移転後の口コミを見ずに利用してしまいました。
(Translated by Google)
I had a good impression before the move, so I decided to use it without looking at the reviews after the move.
Like others, I had a bad impression.
Specifically, the attitude of the female staff in charge of the hall, the slowness of the serving time, and the ability of the male cooking staff who is probably in charge to respond to complaints are not the quality of the service for adults starting at 6,000 yen. -
日比大貴美味しい肉を提供してくれる。だから行く‼️ (Translated by Google) They provide delicious meat. So go!! ️美味しい肉を提供してくれる。だから行く‼️
(Translated by Google)
They provide delicious meat. So go!! ️ -
nagoya spa大きな店舗に移転した竹の山の焼肉店手石に 12時に予約して早めに行くと準備中でした。 鍵もかかってるし、不安になって電話をすると 本日は12時からと言われてびっくりです。 お客さんを外で待たせるなん...大きな店舗に移転した竹の山の焼肉店手石に
◆赤 -AKA-(2,800円)
(Translated by Google)
Takenoyama Yakiniku restaurant Teishi has moved to a larger store.
I made a reservation at 12:00 and when I arrived early, it was being prepared.
The door was locked, so I got worried and called.
I was surprised to be told that it would start at 12:00 today.
I wonder what it's like to make customers wait outside.
Although I was on time, I was guided around by polite customer service.
The interior of the store is a relaxing space with a modern style.
The lunch menu is about 1,000 yen more expensive than before.
I ordered a lunch set that mainly consisted of lean meat.
◆Red -AKA- (2,800 yen)
・Spear, chestnut, short rib, tongue
・Wagyu beef trimmings, crispy salad
・Free rice refill, miso soup, dessert
The red meat is of good quality and beautifully presented.
It's full of flavor and very delicious! ! !
The sauce plate is difficult to use, but the meat is excellent.
Refills on the rice are free and the portion is very satisfying.
The Japanese tea and dessert were also delicious.
Thank you for the meal. -
よねーさんランチで利用しました。 以前の店舗の時には何度か足を運んでいましたが、とある日に開店と同時に訪れましたが予約していないと入れませんでした。 その際に、初めてみるスタッフにやや高圧的に言われましたので...ランチで利用しました。
(Translated by Google)
I used it for lunch.
I had been to the previous store several times, but one day I went there right when it opened, but I couldn't get in unless I had made a reservation.
At that time, the staff member who was seeing me for the first time spoke to me in a somewhat high-pressure way, so I ended up not visiting.
It's been quite a while since I last tried it, and the restaurant has moved to a different location, but it was definitely delicious before, so I decided to come back.
I made a reservation, but it was empty probably because it was a weekday. Lunch is definitely a good deal. Everything was delicious. It was stylish and had a nice atmosphere, and I would like to visit again. -
T外観、内装が素晴らしい焼肉屋サン (Translated by Google) Yakiniku restaurant Sun has a wonderful exterior and interior.外観、内装が素晴らしい焼肉屋サン
(Translated by Google)
Yakiniku restaurant Sun has a wonderful exterior and interior. -
mai maiパートナーの誕生日に初めて利用しました! 店入るまでの内装がワクワクしたし、席も広いし、視覚がまず幸せでした! メニューもキラキラしてて凄かった! 私もパートナーもお酒が飲めないのですが、ノンアルカ...パートナーの誕生日に初めて利用しました!
(Translated by Google)
I used it for the first time for my partner's birthday!
I was excited to see the interior before entering the store, the seats were spacious, and I was visually happy!
The menu was sparkling and amazing!
Neither my partner nor I can drink alcohol, but we were happy that there was a wide variety of non-alcoholic cocktails on the menu.
It was a pity that the sea cucumbers were difficult to provide due to the season, but whatever I ate, it was delicious! !
I'm a picky person when it comes to mino, but it was so delicious that it's in the top 3 of the best yakiniku restaurants in Aichi Prefecture! !
By chance, a piece of a Canadian eagle had gotten into my drink, but I wasn't hurt at all, but they took care of it quickly, and I was happy with my birthday plate.
I definitely want to go again! !
Next time I will visit you to eat some raw meat during the cold season ☆
I love ramen, but to avoid the high salt and fat content, I rarely eat it and only eat it on special occasions, but this ramen was the first I've had in a while and my stomach was happy☆ -
淳矢河本定期的に行っているお店ですが、たまたま空いており提供は比較的はやかったです! 人生で初めてシャトーブリアンも食べれたので満足です🍖 やはり、コース+飲み放題でお酒飲む側の人間からしたら元取れていいか...定期的に行っているお店ですが、たまたま空いており提供は比較的はやかったです!
(Translated by Google)
I go to this restaurant regularly, and it happened to be empty and the food was served relatively quickly!
I was able to eat Chateaubriand for the first time in my life, so I was satisfied 🍖
After all, I think that the course + all-you-can-drink option is good for people who drink alcohol! -
かわず井の中の仕事前に妹の就職祝いをしようと思い事前に予約。 最後の肝心のメッセージつきのデザートが食後15分経っても出てこないので、お金払って帰りました。 お祝いしたかったのに、できず残念。 もう2度と行かないと思...仕事前に妹の就職祝いをしようと思い事前に予約。
(Translated by Google)
I decided to make a reservation in advance to celebrate my sister's new job before work.
The dessert with the last important message didn't come out even 15 minutes after the meal, so I paid and went home.
I wanted to celebrate, but I'm sorry I couldn't.
I paid the price thinking I would never go again. -
miki yamanaka
Kate Roco
kenichi saito家族連れ向けのシートをネットで見て利用しましたが、食事の提供が遅く約1時間経った時点で子ども達はドリンクとタン、白飯のみ。残りの注文をキャンセルした際にお詫びがてら理由を尋ねられましたが、「テーブル...家族連れ向けのシートをネットで見て利用しましたが、食事の提供が遅く約1時間経った時点で子ども達はドリンクとタン、白飯のみ。残りの注文をキャンセルした際にお詫びがてら理由を尋ねられましたが、「テーブル見たらわかるやろ」と言いそうになった。
(Translated by Google)
I saw a seat for families online and used it, but the meal service was slow and about an hour later, the children were only served drinks, tongue, and white rice. When I canceled the rest of my order, I apologized and asked why, but I almost said, "You'll understand when you look at the table."
There is a similar content in the previous comment, and it is written that it will be improved, but it seems that it is not supported at all. Especially not recommended for small children.
The restaurant itself was clean and used good quality meat.
I will never go there again. -
さあ久しぶりの家族での外食でした。 が、料理の提供が遅すぎます。ファミリー席があったり子連れも歓迎してくださるのに、この提供の遅さは疑問です。 1時間待って子供は白ごはんとタンのみでお腹を必死に膨らませて...久しぶりの家族での外食でした。
(Translated by Google)
It's been a while since we went out to eat as a family.
However, the food was served too slowly. Even though there are family seats and families with children are welcome, the slowness in providing this service is questionable.
After waiting for an hour, the child was desperately inflating his stomach with only white rice and tongue.
If I order Sanche and it isn't served with meat, when should it be served?
I will never go there again.
I don't even want to give one star. -
TATSUO SUMIDAいろいろな肉が揃ってて、ユニークなメニューもあって、どれも美味しい。 (Translated by Google) They have a variety of meats, some unique menu items, and they're all delicious.いろいろな肉が揃ってて、ユニークなメニューもあって、どれも美味しい。
(Translated by Google)
They have a variety of meats, some unique menu items, and they're all delicious. -
Ian Joo1인당 8천엔 정도의 가격에 고급스런 고기를 마음껏 먹었습니다. 직원 분들도 친절하십니다. (Translated by Google) We ate as much high-quality meat as we could for about 8,000 yen per person. The staff ...1인당 8천엔 정도의 가격에 고급스런 고기를 마음껏 먹었습니다. 직원 분들도 친절하십니다. (Translated by Google) We ate as much high-quality meat as we could for about 8,000 yen per person. The staff are also friendly.
(Translated by Google)
I ordered as soon as I entered the restaurant, but it took 40 minutes for my food to be served! I felt like I had been forgotten. Worst of all, my friend who went to tell me about it came back extremely angry, saying that his attitude was unbelievable. When the food finally arrived, there was no one to say sorry for the delay. I'm stunned.
It's normal to be late. He was treated like that and there were no words of concern. What is customer service?
I'm very sorry for being late. If you had brought it to us, we wouldn't have felt so bad.
Even if the restaurant is beautiful and the meat is delicious, the customer service is not there. I go to various stores, but this is the worst one I've ever been to.
Actually, I don't want to give even 1 star.
There are plenty of delicious yakiniku restaurants nearby.
I will never go here again.
I also wouldn't recommend it to my friends who wanted to go here.
A fun dinner party with friends ended on a really bad note. -
Rooster Tiny何をどれだけ頼んだら良いか…で迷ってしまう人に有り難いお店。多彩なセットメニューが用意されているので、自分の好みで1人分ずつオーダーできる。自分のペースで焼いて食べられるのは有り難い。もちろん単品で...何をどれだけ頼んだら良いか…で迷ってしまう人に有り難いお店。多彩なセットメニューが用意されているので、自分の好みで1人分ずつオーダーできる。自分のペースで焼いて食べられるのは有り難い。もちろん単品でも注文できます。無煙で、ほとんどの席が完全個室もしくは簡易個室になっているのも、気兼ねなく過ごせて良いです。
(Translated by Google)
This is a great restaurant for people who are confused about what and how much to order. A variety of set menus are available, so you can order one for each person according to your preference. I'm grateful to be able to cook and eat at my own pace. Of course, you can also order single items. It's smoke-free, and most of the seats are either completely private rooms or simple private rooms, so you can spend your time without worrying. -
大和妻とのディナーに来ましたが、接客はいたって普通。 料理提供はとても遅くてお酒の飲む量が多くなる一方です。 肉を味合う前にお腹一杯になってしまいます。 お肉の味は普通です。 希少部位ばっかりのコースなの...妻とのディナーに来ましたが、接客はいたって普通。
(Translated by Google)
I came here for dinner with my wife, and the customer service was pretty average.
The food is served very slowly and the amount of alcohol consumed increases.
You'll be full before you even taste the meat.
The taste of the meat is normal.
This course is full of rare cuts, so it's recommended for those who want to try something different than usual.
All the meat is coated with oil, which makes it greasy and accumulates in your stomach.
As for the liver, the smell was so bad that I couldn't even eat a piece of it. -
みどりクリスマス前に予約して、喜禄コースとビールを頂きましたが、コース途中でしめのラーメンとカレーが出てきて驚きました。 また、ソーセージを二皿追加したら一皿しか届かず、もう一皿来てないとは言いましたが翌...クリスマス前に予約して、喜禄コースとビールを頂きましたが、コース途中でしめのラーメンとカレーが出てきて驚きました。
(Translated by Google)
I made a reservation before Christmas and had the Kiroku course and beer, but I was surprised to see the Shimeno ramen and curry come out halfway through the course.
Also, when I added two plates of sausage, only one plate arrived, and although I said the other plate had not arrived, when I looked at the receipt the next day, I was charged for three plates.
It's our fault that we didn't check as the bus time was approaching, but this is a disappointing restaurant. -
井本工業株式会社肉がうまいな。 (Translated by Google) The meat is delicious.肉がうまいな。
(Translated by Google)
The meat is delicious. -
sniff swifここはとても良いです。 週末のランチは並びます。 店内のデザインにも品があり、 盛り付けや器、トングなど店内全てにこだわりを感じます。 肉質は中の上と感じました。 ランチがとてもお得です。 ゆったり焼肉...ここはとても良いです。
(Translated by Google)
It's very good here.
There is a line for lunch on weekends.
The design inside the store is also elegant.
You can feel the attention to detail in everything in the store, including the presentation, bowls, and tongs.
I felt that the meat quality was above average.
Lunch is very good value.
When you want to relax and enjoy Yakiniku,
I am using it.
Although it is not easy to access in the suburbs,
This is a store that I would like to visit again. -
Eファミリー席があり子連れにはとてもありがたいです。クッションや横に遊べるスペースがありますがこけても痛くないのでベビーでも安心して遊べます。 おもちゃも壁一面にあり、ありがたいです。 お肉も美味しい...ファミリー席があり子連れにはとてもありがたいです。クッションや横に遊べるスペースがありますがこけても痛くないのでベビーでも安心して遊べます。
(Translated by Google)
There are family seats, which is great for families with children. There are cushions and space to play on the side, but even if it falls, it won't hurt, so even babies can play with peace of mind.
There are toys all over the wall, which I appreciate.
The meat was delicious, and children received free rice and seaweed. -
(Translated by Google)
Last week I made a reservation online and went there for lunch with my one year old daughter. I would definitely recommend it to people with children. There are cute children's tableware and a nice baby chair, and the walls are lined with toys and card games. He was very excited and in a good mood throughout, so my husband and I were able to enjoy the meat at a leisurely pace. They provided free Korean seaweed and rice for children, so even if they can't chew meat, there's no need to worry. Children's ramen and fries were also on the menu. Even dessert was busy and all the salads were delicious. The food was brought out right away without waiting. The atmosphere was stylish and the Christmas tree was cute. I want to go again. -
akemi落ち着いた雰囲気の店内で、テーブル席の他に、掘りごたつの席や個室もありました。 ランチコースで一番人気の 「王」2,750円税込をいただきました。お肉は色んな部位一種類一枚ずつの盛り合わせでした。 苦手な...落ち着いた雰囲気の店内で、テーブル席の他に、掘りごたつの席や個室もありました。
ランチコースで一番人気の 「王」2,750円税込をいただきました。お肉は色んな部位一種類一枚ずつの盛り合わせでした。
(Translated by Google)
The restaurant has a calm atmosphere, and in addition to table seats, there are also sunken kotatsu seats and private rooms.
I had the most popular lunch course, ``King'', which cost 2,750 yen including tax. The meat was an assortment of different cuts of meat.
I was able to change the parts I didn't like, and everything was delicious. -
いとさん息子の誕生日の前祝いで、焼き肉が食べたいと言うのでネット検索で見つけ訪れました。 我が家が普段利用するチェーン店とは違い、入口から通路、席まで全てがお洒落で中2の息子もテンション上がってました。 お洒...息子の誕生日の前祝いで、焼き肉が食べたいと言うのでネット検索で見つけ訪れました。
(Translated by Google)
I was celebrating my son's birthday before his birthday, and he wanted to eat grilled meat, so I found this place on the internet and came here.
Unlike the chain stores that my family usually uses, everything from the entrance to the aisles to the seats was stylish, and even my son, who is in middle school, was excited.
I had the impression that fashionable shops = unfriendly staff, but this one was very kind and polite.
The lunch course was also very delicious, not only the meat but also the iced tea that came with the dessert.
It seemed like the portion wasn't quite enough for my son who was a big eater, but he was very satisfied with the taste.
I'm thinking of going at night next time. -
A Nディナーで利用しました。 まず案内までにとても時間がかかりました。 料理の提供もすごく時間がかかります。 割と高価な価格に見合わないサービスだと思います。 店内はとても綺麗でした! (Translated by Go...ディナーで利用しました。
(Translated by Google)
I used it for dinner.
First of all, it took a very long time to get directions.
Serving food also takes a lot of time.
I think the service is not worth the relatively high price.
The inside of the store was very beautiful! -
村田晴紀妻と初めて利用いたしましたが、お店の雰囲気も良く料理も美味しく満足でした。 スタッフさんの接客も良かったので、また利用させてもらおうと思ってます! (Translated by Google) My wife and I used this res...妻と初めて利用いたしましたが、お店の雰囲気も良く料理も美味しく満足でした。
(Translated by Google)
My wife and I used this restaurant for the first time, and we were satisfied with the restaurant's atmosphere and delicious food.
The staff's customer service was also good, so I plan to use them again! -
Y平日ランチで行きました。口コミを見て不安だったのですが、私は満足でした! 注文後すぐにお茶とサラダが出てきて、お肉の盛り合わせは少し後から出てきました。遅いとは感じませんでした。 トングも人数分あり...平日ランチで行きました。口コミを見て不安だったのですが、私は満足でした!
(Translated by Google)
I went for lunch on a weekday. I was worried after reading the reviews, but I was satisfied!
Tea and salad came out immediately after ordering, and the meat platter came out a little later. It didn't feel slow.
There were enough tongs for each person, and we were able to quickly get refills of rice.
However, it seems that you can't refill the first cup of tea (black tea?), so I would have liked to have been asked about this before serving it and whether it would be served immediately or after the meal.
Personally, I was disappointed because I wanted to drink it with dessert.
All the meat was delicious. -
舞子移転前から気に入って来ていましたが、何が変わったのか良くなかったです。サラダや料理が出てくるのがおそく、お肉は臭みがありなんだかイマイチ…店内の雰囲気やお席はとてもオシャレで良いのに残念です。 (Tra...移転前から気に入って来ていましたが、何が変わったのか良くなかったです。サラダや料理が出てくるのがおそく、お肉は臭みがありなんだかイマイチ…店内の雰囲気やお席はとてもオシャレで良いのに残念です。
(Translated by Google)
I liked it before the move, but I didn't like what had changed. The salads and other dishes were slow to come out, and the meat had a bad smell.It's a shame because the atmosphere and the seats are very fashionable and nice. -
hiroi移転前から特別な日にも友達とのランチにも色々な食事はここと決めていましたが、移転後はサービスがひどく行くのをやめました。 鴨が食べたかったのでそのコースを注文すると鴨はなく、違うお肉がでてきた。 注...移転前から特別な日にも友達とのランチにも色々な食事はここと決めていましたが、移転後はサービスがひどく行くのをやめました。
(Translated by Google)
Before the move, I had decided to have various meals here for special occasions and lunches with friends, but after the move, the service was so bad that I stopped going there.
I wanted to eat duck, so when I ordered that course, there was no duck, but a different meat.
There was no explanation of the alternative menu before ordering, and when the meal was served, there was no explanation as to why there was no duck.
This happened about twice.
Since it was a family member's birthday, I requested a birthday surprise when making the reservation.
For some reason, the birthday dessert goes to the seat next to me.
When I went to the store with a reservation in advance, the parking lot was full.
When I asked if there was any other parking lot, I was told there was none.
Even if you ask them what to do, they just ask you to wait.
I have something to do after that, so there's no way I can wait even though I made a reservation.
Should we reserve a parking lot for the seats available? -
でぶこでぶランチでおじゃましました お肉 美味し過ぎでした👋😆🎶✨ (Translated by Google) I stopped by for lunch. The meat was so delicious👋😆🎶✨ランチでおじゃましました お肉 美味し過ぎでした👋😆🎶✨
(Translated by Google)
I stopped by for lunch. The meat was so delicious👋😆🎶✨ -
hair MIU
Penn Penn注文後、1時間待ってようやくお肉が一皿だけ。その後も中々、肉にありつけず。ようやくかと思いきや注文数が足りないことが、数回。席は空きがいくつか有り混んでない。2時間半居ましたが、余り食べれず、お肉は...注文後、1時間待ってようやくお肉が一皿だけ。その後も中々、肉にありつけず。ようやくかと思いきや注文数が足りないことが、数回。席は空きがいくつか有り混んでない。2時間半居ましたが、余り食べれず、お肉は美味しいですが、非常に後味悪く満足感無しに帰った。家族が久しぶりに集まった日だっただけに残念。サービスをどう考えてるのか疑わしい。
(Translated by Google)
After ordering, I waited for an hour and finally got only one plate of meat. After that, I still couldn't find any meat. Several times, I thought I was finally done, but I didn't have enough orders. There are some empty seats so it's not crowded. I was there for two and a half hours, but I didn't eat much. Although the meat was delicious, it left a very bad aftertaste and I left feeling unsatisfied. It's a shame because it was the first day my family got together in a while. I'm not sure what you think about the service. -
su ta予約して訪問。 とにかく遅い。催促しても遅い。 肉・飲み物全てが遅く、結局デザートは来なかった。 口コミ通りです、再訪は有りません。 (Translated by Google) Make a reservation and visit. It's late any...予約して訪問。
(Translated by Google)
Make a reservation and visit.
It's late anyway. Even if I urge you, it's too late.
All meat and drinks were served late, and dessert never arrived.
As per the reviews, I won't be visiting again. -
じゃむ三郎飲み物30分、食べ物は1時間かかってようやく出てくるレベル。 2度と行きません。 (Translated by Google) Drinks took 30 minutes and food took an hour to come out. I will never go there again.飲み物30分、食べ物は1時間かかってようやく出てくるレベル。
(Translated by Google)
Drinks took 30 minutes and food took an hour to come out.
I will never go there again. -
浅井文子コロナ禍以前のダイニング手石が良かったな⁉️ (Translated by Google) Dining Teishi before the coronavirus pandemic was good⁉️コロナ禍以前のダイニング手石が良かったな⁉️
(Translated by Google)
Dining Teishi before the coronavirus pandemic was good⁉️ -
toko usaランチに伺いました。おいしいお肉が少しずつ乗ったプレートをおいしいご飯(つや姫)でいただきました。 (Translated by Google) I visited for lunch. We had a plate with a little bit of delicious meat on i...ランチに伺いました。おいしいお肉が少しずつ乗ったプレートをおいしいご飯(つや姫)でいただきました。
(Translated by Google)
I visited for lunch. We had a plate with a little bit of delicious meat on it, served with delicious rice (Tsuyahime). -
mori iso
S K移転前に食事しました。 網の隙間が大きくその隙間に肉が落ちてしまった。 それを見ていたのにかかわらず従業員は知らんぷり。 2回目来店した際はランチでかなり長い間待たされて入店して食事をしていたら、店員...移転前に食事しました。
(Translated by Google)
I ate here before moving.
The gaps in the net were large and the meat fell into them.
Even though the employees saw it, they didn't know about it.
The second time I came to the store, I had to wait quite a long time for lunch, and when I went in to eat, the staff member half-heartedly told me, "We're closing soon." Well, then why did you let it pass? lol and
When I passed by the store, even though it was late at night, there were loud drunk people and the customer base seemed to be bad, so I swore I would never go there again.
What happens after the move? I have no intention of going, but... -
ttt sssリニューアル後初めて利用しました。 店員の雰囲気‥◎とても感じが良かった 店の雰囲気‥×おそらく50代以上のおじさんが選曲したであろう洋楽ナツメロ。店内の雰囲気も統一感はなく、高級感もない。 肉質‥△1人3000...リニューアル後初めて利用しました。
(Translated by Google)
This was my first time using it after the renovation.
The atmosphere of the staff was very nice.
Atmosphere of the store... x Western music Natsumero, probably selected by an old man in his 50s or older. The atmosphere inside the store is neither uniform nor luxurious.
Meat quality... △ 3,000 to 4,000 yen per person is acceptable. I ordered lean meat, but it was full of oil and I felt sick after eating it.
Cost performance‥✖️✖️Even though we didn't order that much, the price was over 17,000 yen for 2 adults. It wasn't worth the taste or experience at all.
Others... Why is the entrance to the parking lot located at the back? It makes no sense.
There were not many customers even though it was a Friday night. I felt lonely. Even though it's a yakiniku restaurant, the food is served slowly.
I set the fire to the lowest setting, but it was quite strong. Most of the meat burned quickly. (In the past, it was better to take it slow over low heat.)
Since it opened, I have always used it on special occasions. Prices have gone up and the quality of meat has gone down, which is just a shame. I hope that the service will improve even a little. I don't think I'll go again. -
Tsutomu Kano職場の送別会でランチタイムに利用しました。ヘルシーなランチメニューの「姫」を注文しました。色々な部位が少しづつ食べることができました。内臓が苦手な人は別の部位に変更もしてもえます。値段もリーズナブ...職場の送別会でランチタイムに利用しました。ヘルシーなランチメニューの「姫」を注文しました。色々な部位が少しづつ食べることができました。内臓が苦手な人は別の部位に変更もしてもえます。値段もリーズナブルだと思います。
(Translated by Google)
I used it for lunch at a farewell party at work. I ordered ``Hime'' from the healthy lunch menu. I was able to eat small portions of various parts. If you don't like internal organs, you can switch to another part. I think the price is also reasonable.
We also offer a service where you can have birthday or commemorative decorations added to your dessert. -
ndo shoランチ王の美味しいお肉が良かったです。また、スタッフどうしのやりとりがムダがなくさわやかなのが何よりです。また来ます。 (Translated by Google) Lunch King's delicious meat was good. Also, the best p...ランチ王の美味しいお肉が良かったです。また、スタッフどうしのやりとりがムダがなくさわやかなのが何よりです。また来ます。
(Translated by Google)
Lunch King's delicious meat was good. Also, the best part is that the interactions between the staff are smooth and refreshing. I'll come back later. -
ロックスミス共有教の教祖 マイナスの意見に対して従業員と共有しを繰り返す共有教の教祖でしかない。 提供時間が遅いのは人が足りないだけただそれだけのこと。オープンしちゃダメ。それが誠実な対応。 (Translated by Goog...共有教の教祖
(Translated by Google)
The founder of the shared religion
He is nothing more than a sharing cult leader who repeatedly shares negative opinions with his employees.
The slow delivery time is simply due to a lack of staff. Don't open. That is an honest response. -
YZFR6配膳が不満が出るほど遅い。 ご飯、味噌汁は移転前に比べて質が落ちた。 年始ということもあるが、8組入っているのにホールが二人。これでは回らない。 お肉の質がいいだけに残念ですね。 もう行かないかな。 (T...配膳が不満が出るほど遅い。
(Translated by Google)
Serving food was incredibly slow.
The quality of rice and miso soup has deteriorated compared to before the move.
It may be the beginning of the year, but even though there were 8 groups, there were only 2 people in the hall. This won't work.
It's a shame because the quality of the meat is good.
I don't think I'll go anymore. -
HI YO5000位のコースを注文。これまで何度か利用しています。 お肉は色々な部位を少しずついただくことができ、味も美味しいです。 しかし、食事の提供が遅く、イライラしました。また、事前に確認した内容が、事実と...5000位のコースを注文。これまで何度か利用しています。
(Translated by Google)
Ordered the 5000th course. I've used it several times so far.
You can have small portions of various parts of the meat, and the taste is delicious.
However, the food was served slowly, which was frustrating. Also, the information I had confirmed in advance was not true, and I felt that the service was of a low level.
Since moving the store, the quality of service has deteriorated. Food service is slow. There are a lot of comments about this in the reviews, but why hasn't it been improved?
It's a shame. -
名無し顔無し事前に予約したほうがいい。 メニューも豊富で、店も落ち着いた雰囲気のため、客層も落ち着いた人が多い。 肉も美味しく、大満足だった。 店は移転したばかりで、すごく綺麗だった。 リピート確定! (Translat...事前に予約したほうがいい。
(Translated by Google)
Better make a reservation in advance.
The menu is extensive, and the restaurant has a calm atmosphere, so the customer base is mostly calm.
The meat was delicious and I was very satisfied.
The store had just moved and was very clean.
Repeat confirmed! -
km oメニューの瓶ビールを何種類かあったので頼んだら、それは在庫切れだの、冷えてないだの、冷蔵庫が小さいからそれも冷えてないと、、結局生中を頼みました。だったらメニューに書かないほうがいいんじゃないです...メニューの瓶ビールを何種類かあったので頼んだら、それは在庫切れだの、冷えてないだの、冷蔵庫が小さいからそれも冷えてないと、、結局生中を頼みました。だったらメニューに書かないほうがいいんじゃないですか。
100種類のお酒があるのか知りませんが、選ばせといてそれはないですって、、ばかにしてます?笑 もう行かないから別にいいですが。
(Translated by Google)
There were several types of bottled beer on the menu, so I asked for one, but was told that it was out of stock, that it wasn't cold, and that the refrigerator was small, so I ended up ordering draft beer. In that case, wouldn't it be better not to write it on the menu?
I brought a birthday cake in advance at noon, and even though I secretly asked her to bring it back after I had finished eating, she never brought it, and in the end, the amount was read out in front of everyone at the table. Wow, I made a reservation thinking I was going to have some good yakiniku for a birthday party, but I was disappointed. It may be delicious, but I don't want to go there anymore.
I don't know if there are 100 types of alcohol, but are you making fun of me by saying that I don't have one? LOL I'm not going there anymore so it's okay. -
ゆう休日11:00に予約して3名で入店。 まだ早いからか数組くらいしか入ってませんでした。 車で行きましたが大通りからは入れないようになっており、裏口からしか入れない為ご注意ください。 駐車場はかなり広いです。...休日11:00に予約して3名で入店。
(Translated by Google)
I made a reservation for 11:00 on a holiday and entered the store with 3 people.
Probably because it was still early, there were only a few people in.
I went there by car, but please note that you cannot enter from the main street, and you can only enter from the back door.
The parking lot is quite large.
The interior is very clean and has a warm atmosphere.
The seats are not tatami mats, but you must take off your shoes at the entrance.
When I first ordered, it took 30 minutes for the meat to be served.
Refills of raw tea are free.
The salad dressing was sour and refreshing and delicious.
All the meat was very delicious and I was happy. I'm happy to be able to eat a variety of different foods little by little.
I don't want to smoke at all because it sucks in so much smoke.
Unfortunately, the rice and miso soup only arrived after the meat came out and I ate about half of it.
For dessert, I chose Catalana, but the caramel on top, which was supposed to be crispy, was too thick and I had to hit it hard with a spoon several times to break it. The custard dough below had been frozen and was a bit stiff, so I warmed it up on a slightly off-the-grid griddle. Since the caramel part was thick, it was quite sweet, which I didn't like.
There is one toilet for men and one for women. There is also a large diaper changing area.
There are quite a few steps from the entrance to the interior, so please be careful if you have difficulty walking.
It's a very nice space, but there are steps and some aisles are narrow, so I get the impression that the staff will probably have a hard time moving around.
It's only been about half a year since we moved, so the staff were busy, but they seemed to be working really hard, and I think it's going to be hard until they get used to it, but I hope they keep up the good work. -
SiroKuma 0119ディナーコースは、おしゃれなお皿に少しずつ運ばれてくるお肉。かなりゆっくり時間をかけて頂きました。お肉も美味しいですが、最初にでてくるキムチ盛り合わせがとても美味しい! 締めのビビンバとデザートも美...ディナーコースは、おしゃれなお皿に少しずつ運ばれてくるお肉。かなりゆっくり時間をかけて頂きました。お肉も美味しいですが、最初にでてくるキムチ盛り合わせがとても美味しい!
(Translated by Google)
The dinner course is meat served little by little on stylish plates. It took me quite a while. The meat is delicious, but the kimchi platter that comes first is really delicious!
The bibimbap and dessert at the end were also delicious.
The 5,000 yen course is smaller than other restaurants, but it's a restaurant where you can enjoy the food slowly. -
すももお肉の質は良いとは思いますが、基本全ての肉に胡麻油が垂らしてあります。そのせいでどのお肉を食べても胡麻油味です。 私は苦手だったので胡麻油をかけないで欲しい事を伝えると、なぜか半分だけかけずに半分は...お肉の質は良いとは思いますが、基本全ての肉に胡麻油が垂らしてあります。そのせいでどのお肉を食べても胡麻油味です。
(Translated by Google)
I think the quality of the meat is good, but basically all the meat is drizzled with sesame oil. Because of this, no matter what meat I eat, it tastes like sesame oil.
I didn't like it, so I told them that I wanted it without sesame oil, but for some reason, only half of it was covered in sesame oil instead of half of it. When I told them again that I didn't want them to use sesame oil, they told me that they were particular about sesame oil, so I couldn't remove the sesame oil.
If you can't do it, I understand if you say so from the beginning, but no matter how many times I told them, serving it with half the meat felt like harassment.
I felt very sick.
I don't think I'll go again
I think this is good for those who like sesame oil flavored meat. -
coco coco誕生日に連れてってもらいました。 接客があまりにも酷すぎて本当に悲しい誕生日会になりました。 (Translated by Google) I took him there for my birthday. The customer service was so bad that it turned ...誕生日に連れてってもらいました。
(Translated by Google)
I took him there for my birthday.
The customer service was so bad that it turned out to be a really sad birthday party. -
Cloudy Bogdan
井澤悟お店の雰囲気もお肉の質も大満足です! (Translated by Google) I am very satisfied with the atmosphere of the restaurant and the quality of the meat!お店の雰囲気もお肉の質も大満足です!
(Translated by Google)
I am very satisfied with the atmosphere of the restaurant and the quality of the meat! -
(Translated by Google)
I went there for lunch the other day. The food was delicious, but I felt uncomfortable watching the person who appeared to be the manager yelling at the employees to warn them. Moreover, the store manager was talking with his nose sticking out of his mask, so I'm concerned about whether infection control measures are in place. ️ -
R T移転前から子連れ対応◎と聞いていたので気になっていましたが、広い駐車場のお店になって初めて利用しました。 事前に1歳児がいると予約で伝えており、通されたお席がまさに子連れのために考えられた作りで感動...移転前から子連れ対応◎と聞いていたので気になっていましたが、広い駐車場のお店になって初めて利用しました。
(Translated by Google)
Before the move, I was interested because I had heard that they were able to accommodate children, but it was my first time using the restaurant after it became a store with a large parking lot.
I had informed them in advance that I would be traveling with a 1-year-old child, and I was impressed by how the seats I was seated were designed specifically for families with children.
There are two families on the floor on the right when you enter the store.
It is separated by a high-backed kotatsu chair and a roll curtain, and there is also a mat floor in the recess behind the seat for children to play on👶♪
My child also seemed comfortable playing there.
As long as the kids were there, I felt safe knowing they wouldn't climb onto the table or get close to the fire.
Furthermore, for children who have too much free time, there are board games and educational toys from overseas, making it a space that even elementary and middle school students can enjoy.
It was created with families in mind, and we enjoyed having Yakiniku for the first time in a while.
The food was delicious and I was full.
Oh, there were also chairs for small children such as Bumbo! They also provided serving plates and spoons for the children.
A diaper changing table and auxiliary toilet seat are also available in the women's restroom! -
hideaki yamamoto最近の焼肉屋さんは煙たくないですよね。ココも最近改装したので勿論煙たくないです。店内は明るく現代風。この日は4人でコース料理を注文。品のあるお肉を私は全て塩で頂きました。 (Translated by Google) Yo...最近の焼肉屋さんは煙たくないですよね。ココも最近改装したので勿論煙たくないです。店内は明るく現代風。この日は4人でコース料理を注文。品のあるお肉を私は全て塩で頂きました。
(Translated by Google)
You don't want to smoke at Yakiniku restaurants these days. This place has also been recently renovated, so of course I don't want to smoke. The interior of the store is bright and modern. On this day, four of us ordered a course meal. I received all the quality meat with salt. -
荒木達彦ディナーはコース前提の店なのだろう。 気付けず単品で注文したのだが、ハラミ、ロースなどは一皿2000円前後で4切れ。 これで家族をお腹一杯にするには、、、なかなかマネーが掛かりますね。 ホルモン等は処理が...ディナーはコース前提の店なのだろう。
(Translated by Google)
I guess it's a restaurant where dinner is a course meal.
I didn't notice it and ordered it separately, but each plate of skirt steak, loin, etc. costs around 2,000 yen, which is 4 pieces.
It takes a lot of money to feed your family with this food.
It was very delicious, perhaps because the hormones were processed well. -
ピーマン高級焼き肉屋さん モーニングスタート リニューアル移転オープン まず伝えたいのは この銀の扉 これはロールプレイングゲームで いうところの 貴重な宝箱が眠るダンジョンに 入っていくときに出てくるもの 勇気...高級焼き肉屋さん
(Translated by Google)
High-class yakiniku restaurant
morning start
Renewal and relocation open
The first thing I want to tell you is
this silver door
this is a role playing game
So to speak
In a dungeon where a valuable treasure chest lies
What comes out when you go in
Muster up the courage to enter...
There are 4 basic morning types
①Egg sandwich
②Chili toast
③100% beef tongue hamburger sandwich
④New specialty shoe dog
The basics are today's morning.
In response to your request
It will create a morning of this choice
And since this is a small morning
It will be half size
Why is it 100%?
I guess I'm attracted to it
100% fruit juice or 100% beef tongue
This time, this beef tongue sandwich
It's a shape you make yourself.
And this little hamburger
Although it is small, its destructive power is outstanding.
I don't hate it
Well, a precious treasure chest
until I find everything
I'm going to do a little exploring 😂
There's cheese 🧀 in the chili toast
He's small but he does a lot of work. -
犬バカりーこ日曜日のランチタイムに利用。 移転していてびっくり! 高評価なところは、 駐車場が超大きくなっていた 店内の雰囲気は以前より格段に良い 男性用トイレが広くなっていた 日曜日なのにランチがある お肉の味も変...日曜日のランチタイムに利用。
(Translated by Google)
Used for Sunday lunchtime.
I was surprised to see that they had moved!
Highly rated areas are
The parking lot was huge
The atmosphere inside the store is much better than before.
The men's restroom was larger.
There's lunch even though it's Sunday.
The taste of the meat is still really delicious.
Where it is poorly rated,
At lunch time, you can only eat the lunch menu.
staff are not trained
It's slow to carry alcohol
The machine that grills the meat has changed and I can no longer enjoy it slowly.
I'm currently giving it 3 stars with hopes that the number of stars will increase. I'll visit you again. -
T Hランチで6畳を頂きました。料理は良かったですが、提供が遅いです。スタッフによる料理の説明も。。。紙にお肉の名前を示してくれた方が良いです。 (Translated by Google) I had 6 tatami mats for lunch. The ...ランチで6畳を頂きました。料理は良かったですが、提供が遅いです。スタッフによる料理の説明も。。。紙にお肉の名前を示してくれた方が良いです。
(Translated by Google)
I had 6 tatami mats for lunch. The food was good, but the offer is slow. Explanation of cooking by the staff. . . It is better to show the name of the meat on the paper. -
0406 Wakasaki移転後にランチで利用。家族で1畳、2畳、3畳それぞれをオーダーしました。色んな種類が盛り合わさって美味しく頂きました。特に3畳の希少部位や赤身肉は霜降りで質も良いし、サラダやデザート、ご飯おかわりでき...移転後にランチで利用。家族で1畳、2畳、3畳それぞれをオーダーしました。色んな種類が盛り合わさって美味しく頂きました。特に3畳の希少部位や赤身肉は霜降りで質も良いし、サラダやデザート、ご飯おかわりできてお値打ち価格。接客も丁寧で良かったです。
(Translated by Google)
Used for lunch after moving. My family ordered 1 tatami, 2 tatami, and 3 tatami. It was delicious with a variety of different types. In particular, the rare cuts and red meat on the 3-tatami mat are well-marbled and of good quality, and you can get salads, desserts, and rice at a reasonable price. The customer service was also polite and good.
However, on Sunday lunch, the restaurant was packed, but there were fewer employees, so additional orders were postponed.
I wonder if it would be okay to call each table separately.
Well, it's just opened so I guess it can't be helped... -
友幸古瀬1〜2ヶ月に一度、とても好きで利用させてもらってましたが今回の移店によっての品質の低下がとても残念です。 お店の雰囲気、料理の提供時間、接客品質、オープンして間もないので仕方のない部分もあると思います...1〜2ヶ月に一度、とても好きで利用させてもらってましたが今回の移店によっての品質の低下がとても残念です。
(Translated by Google)
I used to love it and use it once every 1-2 months, but I'm very disappointed that the quality has deteriorated due to the recent move.
I think there are some things that can't be helped about the atmosphere of the restaurant, the time the food is served, the quality of customer service, since it's only been open for a while, but if you ask me if I'll continue to use it as before,...
Visited for the first time in a while
It's not good at all
The quality of the food is a little worse than before the move.
Food service speed, order, worst.
20 minutes of nothing coming
Even the rice was served 50 minutes after ordering after being asked twice.
I'm hungry
It feels like important time with family is also a scene.
I want to spend my precious time comfortably
I choose to eat out and choose a restaurant.
I understand that there is a shortage of manpower, but I would like you to take responsibility for the valuable time of those who come here and improve the service. -
Kくん久しぶりに会う友達に連れて行ってもらいました!🥰2500円のランチ!!とても綺麗でおいしかったです! めちゃオシャレで席は満席でした🙂 また行きたいです🥹 (Translated by Google) I took a friend I hadn't se...久しぶりに会う友達に連れて行ってもらいました!🥰2500円のランチ!!とても綺麗でおいしかったです!
(Translated by Google)
I took a friend I hadn't seen in a while to take me there! 🥰2500 yen lunch! ! It was so beautiful and delicious!
It was very stylish and the seats were full 🙂
I want to go again 🥹 -
Rururu :おいしそう (Translated by Google) Looks deliciousおいしそう
(Translated by Google)
Looks delicious -
さぶちゃん値段に見合った接客は期待出来ない。 ・料理の説明が出来ないし提供時にもされない。複数あるつけダレの説明ももちろんない。 ・味噌 or 塩の確認をせずに味噌を出してくる ・めちゃ暑い ・払ってからお釣りを受...値段に見合った接客は期待出来ない。
・味噌 or 塩の確認をせずに味噌を出してくる
(Translated by Google)
You can't expect customer service commensurate with the price.
・They cannot explain the dishes, nor do they do so when they are served. Of course, there is no explanation for the multiple dipping sauces.
・They serve miso without checking whether it is miso or salt.
・It's very hot
・For some reason, in between paying and receiving change, I started doing other tasks and had to wait for more than 5 minutes until I received the change.
・They don't take out my shoes when I leave, which I put away without permission.
・Dry towels come out from under the seat.
Recommended for people who want to eat without worrying about customer service. I will never go again. -
まこさん11:30オープンの店、着いたのは11:00頃、たまたま出てきた、ものすごく無愛想な女性店員に名前書いて順番を待つ感じか聞くと、不機嫌そうに11:30オープンだからお待ち下さい。と…ムカついたけど大人しく待つこと...11:30オープンの店、着いたのは11:00頃、たまたま出てきた、ものすごく無愛想な女性店員に名前書いて順番を待つ感じか聞くと、不機嫌そうに11:30オープンだからお待ち下さい。と…ムカついたけど大人しく待つことに…時間になり店内へ…似合いもしんのに少し洒落けづいた感じの店長ぽい人が本日は予約でいっぱいですと…は⁉️待ってろって言うから待ってたんだけど‼️なんで始めに、予約でいっぱいって言わないの?店長は平謝り…その横で不機嫌そうに、なにこの客って感じの、まったく悪びれもしない女性店員達… 日曜の30分を無駄にし、かなり不愉快な思いをしました。店員の教育が、こんな低レベルの店…もし普通に食べてたとしても味もたいしたこともなく、当然接客は最低だろうと思います。二度と行かないし、知り合いには絶対行かない方がいい店だと広く宣伝しておきます。
(Translated by Google)
The store opened at 11:30, and I arrived at around 11:00.A very unfriendly female clerk who happened to come out wrote her name and asked her if she wanted to wait for her turn.She answered grumpily that the store opens at 11:30, so please wait. I was annoyed, but I decided to wait patiently.When the time came, I went into the store.The manager-like person, who looked good but looked a little unfashionable, told me that today was full of reservations...Huh? He asked me to wait, so I waited. But!! ️Why don't you say at the beginning that it's fully booked? The store manager just apologized...and next to him were the female employees who were in a bad mood and looked like they were customers...I wasted 30 minutes on a Sunday and felt quite unpleasant. In a restaurant where the staff's training is at such a low level...even if I were to eat normally, the taste would not be that great, and of course the customer service would be the worst. I will never go there again, and I will spread the word to everyone I know that it is a store that they should never go to. -
BPM 128お肉とサイドメニューは美味しいです。 配膳スピードが流石に遅過ぎます。 お肉の量が30代の私には丁度いい量でしたが20代の若い男性の方なんかは満足出来ないかも。コスパ✖️ 酒類のグラスも流石に小さすぎて、、...お肉とサイドメニューは美味しいです。
(Translated by Google)
The meat and side dishes are delicious.
Serving speed is extremely slow.
The amount of meat was just the right amount for me, a man in my 30s, but a young man in his 20s might not be satisfied. Cost performance✖️
The alcohol glasses were also way too small, so I guess that's what they're supposed to be like.
If draft beer is that size (250mm?), it won't be an option when you want to drink it.
I don't have repeat orders because I know of a better restaurant in every way. -
ちょんたん遠赤外線でゆっくり丁寧に焼く拘り和牛のお店。基本2時間制でランチは11:30~と13:30、値段はセットで2,100円~。平日でも予約しないと厳しいみたい。 席のロースターは煙無縁。遠赤外線なので焼野菜も凄く美味...遠赤外線でゆっくり丁寧に焼く拘り和牛のお店。基本2時間制でランチは11:30~と13:30、値段はセットで2,100円~。平日でも予約しないと厳しいみたい。
(Translated by Google)
A restaurant that specializes in wagyu beef that is slowly and carefully grilled using far infrared rays. The standard 2-hour service is lunch from 11:30 and 13:30, with set prices starting at 2,100 yen. Apparently it's difficult to make a reservation even on weekdays.
There is no smoke in the roaster seat. Since it uses far infrared rays, grilled vegetables can be grilled very deliciously. On the other hand, if you like charcoal grilling for a short time and the aroma of smoke and charcoal, the yakiniku may be too elegant.
The salad that comes with the set is delicious, and you can get free refills of the rice and red soup stock. Lunch is high cost performance♪ -
おくさな店員の態度が悪すぎ 全く愛想がない ランチで行ったが食後にデザートがあることの説明もない為、帰りそうになった お洒落で肉は美味しい (Translated by Google) The staff's attitude is too bad Not friendly ...店員の態度が悪すぎ
(Translated by Google)
The staff's attitude is too bad
Not friendly at all
I went there for lunch, but there was no explanation that there would be dessert after the meal, so I almost left.
Stylish and delicious meat -
kanako kobayashi3900円ぐらいのコースをお願いしました。 サラダ(かなり美味しい)、キムチ(長芋がおいしすぎた)、梅の冷麺(あっさりでまるで飲み物)、ピスタチオのアイス(これはヤバし!)。 あとはお肉。コースにすると...3900円ぐらいのコースをお願いしました。
(Translated by Google)
I ordered a course for around 3900 yen.
Salad (quite delicious), Kimchi (Japanese yam was so delicious), Plum Cold Noodles (light and tastes like a drink), Pistachio Ice Cream (this is crazy!).
The rest is meat. It's great to have a course so you can have one of each of the different meats.
As I get older, I find myself craving good meat, so I can enjoy it little by little.
All the staff members are very nice and the store is very comfortable.
I went there for lunch before, and it was great to be able to enjoy Yakiniku at a reasonable price.
When I went there in July 2022, the location had changed! ! !
The neighbor that used to be a man cafe? It has moved to a new store, and the entrance to the parking lot has been turned into a back street.
I was surprised to see that it was dark from the front so it wasn't open, so I went straight to the back and found there was a parking lot.
I wish they would have told me something when I made the reservation over the phone. -
かわじ〜にょ費用対効果最高 (Translated by Google) Most cost-effective費用対効果最高
(Translated by Google)
Most cost-effective -
シンランチで依らせてもいました。 (Translated by Google) I even had them come for lunch.ランチで依らせてもいました。
(Translated by Google)
I even had them come for lunch. -
Koki Terazawa日進市竹の山にある高級焼肉店です。 お値段はそこそこ張りますが、美味しいお肉が食べられます。 ディナーの高い方のコースを頂きましたが、大人の男性でかなりお腹いっぱいになります。 〆のご飯か麺を選べま...日進市竹の山にある高級焼肉店です。
(Translated by Google)
This is a high-class yakiniku restaurant located in Takenoyama, Nisshin City.
The price is a bit high, but you can eat delicious meat.
I had the more expensive dinner course, but it was quite filling for an adult man.
You can choose rice or noodles to finish your meal, but the portions are quite large. -
muuu muuu記念日ランチで伺いました。 店内は綺麗で、お肉もとても美味しいです。煙が上がらないのが、会話するときにも邪魔になりませんでした。 コースが何種類か選べますので、それぞれにあった楽しみ方ができるかと😁 ...記念日ランチで伺いました。
(Translated by Google)
I visited for our anniversary lunch.
The inside of the store is clean and the meat is very delicious. The fact that it doesn't emit smoke doesn't get in the way when you have a conversation.
There are several types of courses to choose from, so you can enjoy it in a way that suits each one😁
Dessert was also delicious ✨
I would like to come again!
I had coffee from the sister restaurant after the meal, and it was also delicious. It has little bitterness and is easy to drink. -
noriko K.
三輪雅子美味しいお肉を提供されてます (Translated by Google) Delicious meat is served美味しいお肉を提供されてます
(Translated by Google)
Delicious meat is served -
ヤマダミランチでよく利用させてもらってます。 サラダ、ご飯、味噌汁、お肉でご飯と味噌汁はお代わり出来るので いいお肉をゆっくり頂いたいときにはオススメですよ。 お店が新しく移転されて、広々としたお店になりまし...ランチでよく利用させてもらってます。
サラダ、ご飯、味噌汁、お肉でご飯と味噌汁はお代わり出来るので いいお肉をゆっくり頂いたいときにはオススメですよ。
(Translated by Google)
I often use it for lunch.
You can replace the rice and miso soup with salad, rice, miso soup, and meat, so it's recommended when you want to enjoy delicious meat slowly.
The store has been moved to a new location and is now more spacious.
Parking has become easier,
Please be careful as you can only enter by car from the back street. -
ブーランジェリー落ち着いた空間で女子会を満喫させて頂きました。一皿ずつ丁寧に部位やオススメの食べ方など説明して下さりました。 前菜、メイン、デザートまでどれも 美味しくて大満足です (Translated by Google) We enjoyed...落ち着いた空間で女子会を満喫させて頂きました。一皿ずつ丁寧に部位やオススメの食べ方など説明して下さりました。
(Translated by Google)
We enjoyed a girls' night out in a calm space. For each dish, he carefully explained the parts and recommended ways to eat them.
Everything from appetizers to main dishes to desserts
It's delicious and very satisfying -
pin panmanランチのコスパはとても良い 夜は、お肉のクオリティは良いがサービスが価格に見合ってない (Translated by Google) Lunch cost performance is very good At night, the quality of the meat is good, but the ...ランチのコスパはとても良い
(Translated by Google)
Lunch cost performance is very good
At night, the quality of the meat is good, but the service is not worth the price. -
Kaz Katoh高級なお肉をヘルシーに焼けるお店です。炭火焼きではないので煙もあがらずキレイに焼けました。粗塩で食べるのが一番美味しく頂けました。 (Translated by Google) This is a restaurant where you can grill h...高級なお肉をヘルシーに焼けるお店です。炭火焼きではないので煙もあがらずキレイに焼けました。粗塩で食べるのが一番美味しく頂けました。
(Translated by Google)
This is a restaurant where you can grill high-quality meat in a healthy way. Since it was not charcoal-grilled, it was grilled beautifully without any smoke. It tasted best when eaten with coarse salt. -
勝川泰志服が油でベタベタになり最悪の状態になりました。 ランチのお得感もメニューが変わりなくなりたぶんもうリピートはなしです。 (Translated by Google) My clothes became sticky with oil and became in the wor...服が油でベタベタになり最悪の状態になりました。
(Translated by Google)
My clothes became sticky with oil and became in the worst condition.
The lunch menu is no longer changing, so I probably won't come back again. -
伊藤憲孝長久手エリアで最高峰の焼肉店。 美味です。まずは一人5000円~のコースで。 (Translated by Google) The best yakiniku restaurant in the Nagakute area. It's delicious. First of all, we have a course s...長久手エリアで最高峰の焼肉店。
(Translated by Google)
The best yakiniku restaurant in the Nagakute area.
It's delicious. First of all, we have a course starting from 5000 yen per person. -
しんいち美味しかった! 記念日使いで予約し、ランチの椿2980円と桜2850円を大人2人で利用させて頂きました。久しぶりに夫婦2人で過ごせる時間は特別でした。 無料の冷茶は無料のクオリティーではなく、レモングラス...美味しかった!
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It was delicious!
I made a reservation for an anniversary, and the lunch menu was 2,980 yen for Tsubaki and 2,850 yen for two adults. It was special to be able to spend time with my husband and wife for the first time in a while.
The free cold tea was not of the free quality, but it was hot with lemongrass in it, so it was very tasty.
There was a salad, an appetizer, a main, and a dessert.
Refills on rice and miso soup are free.
The whole trip took less than 90 minutes.
The salad is crispy with balsamic vinegar (?). It was delicious.
The appetizer platter includes hearts and sausages eaten with salt. I feel like I take my time and eat small portions gratefully, and if I had children, I would have been annoyed when they asked me, "Not yet? Not yet?"
The main items are rare parts.
Meat is delicious.
I felt that again.
Dessert is almond tofu. The jelly on top is rooibos tea. I'm satisfied with my favorite thick milky type.
The other one was an ice cream brûlée for an additional 150 yen. I'm very particular about creme brûlée, and I like the caramel to melt as soon as I put it in my mouth. I don't like things that are too thick or too thin that stay in my mouth forever, but this one is just right. It's ice cream, so it's quite cold at first, but it gradually melts and becomes half-cooked. I might prefer it melted.
By the way, the toilets are separated for men and women and were clean. There was no washlet.
Personally, I feel that the better the stores are, the more they pay attention to the restrooms.
How about next time? I don't repeat it often, but everyone should try it at least once.
Lastly, all the store staff were very polite. Most of the women were blonde, but they all looked classy.
thank you very much. -
るお肉の美味しい上品な焼肉店 美味しいお肉を少しずつ楽しみたい時に利用したいお店です。 お席は広くはないですが、仕切られている御座敷で過ごしやすいです、店前の駐車場が狭いので臨時駐車場への行き方がわか...お肉の美味しい上品な焼肉店
(Translated by Google)
An elegant yakiniku restaurant with delicious meat
This is the restaurant you want to visit when you want to enjoy delicious meat little by little.
Although the seats are not large, it is comfortable to spend time in the partitioned tatami room.The parking lot in front of the store is narrow, so please be careful as it may be difficult to know how to get to the temporary parking lot.
There are counter seats, so maybe you can go eat alone? I would like to take on the challenge.
It doesn't have a smoky taste at all, so even those who don't like smoky yakiniku will find it easy to enjoy. -
Sakランチでお邪魔しました!予約いっぱいの人気店!ランチはコースとなり数種類から選べます。名東区にある有名焼肉店と比較してもこちらは価格安くて十分に満足できます! ぜひ、お塩で肉を堪能してください、、、...ランチでお邪魔しました!予約いっぱいの人気店!ランチはコースとなり数種類から選べます。名東区にある有名焼肉店と比較してもこちらは価格安くて十分に満足できます!
(Translated by Google)
I visited you for lunch! A popular restaurant that is fully booked! Lunch is a course meal with several options to choose from. Compared to famous Yakiniku restaurants in Meito Ward, this one is cheaper and more satisfying!
Please enjoy the meat with salt!
You can feel the restaurant's commitment to meat!
The meat was so sweet, tender, and juicy that I ended up eating four bowls of rice with this course!
It may be difficult to park in the parking lot, so please do not force yourself to park in the second parking lot. There is a guide on the store's homepage! -
tomoko maruyama
Seiji Ogi
giraf3ouioui3度ほど食事に訪れたが常に混んでいて人気店でだと思う。そのうち2度は鉄板の不具合があり折角の焼肉なのに残念に感じた。 コロナ禍で感染症対策はされているが、肉を調理する店長がマスクをしっかりとせず、マイ...3度ほど食事に訪れたが常に混んでいて人気店でだと思う。そのうち2度は鉄板の不具合があり折角の焼肉なのに残念に感じた。
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I've been here to eat about 3 times and it's always crowded so I think it's a popular restaurant. Twice out of those times, there was a problem with the iron plate, which was a shame even though the yakiniku was made after a lot of effort.
Although measures have been taken to prevent infectious diseases during the coronavirus pandemic, the store manager who prepares the meat does not wear a mask properly, giving a negative impression.
The important thing is that the quality of the meat is good and the taste is delicious, but the service is disappointing.
Please write harsh comments in the hope that they will be improved. -
伊藤翔子ランチツーで竹の山ダイニング手石さんへ😁 前日予約して行ったのに日にち間違えれ、外で待たされ、店員さんもご飯大盛でと伝えたのに普通盛りで持ってきて、あれって言ったらご飯お代わりできますよと💨 大盛でっ...ランチツーで竹の山ダイニング手石さんへ😁
(Translated by Google)
Lunch to Takenoyama Dining Teishi 😁
I made a reservation the day before, but the date was wrong, I had to wait outside, and even though I asked for a large serving of rice, the staff brought me a regular serving, and when I said that, they said they could refill the rice.
Let me know when I tell you it's going to be a large serving😂 -
(Translated by Google)
I visited for lunch. You can grill each piece at your own pace, and the meat is delicious and very satisfying. This time I made a reservation, so I was able to get in smoothly, but I might not be able to get in without a reservation during peak hours. The parking space was small and the location of the second parking lot was a little difficult to find, so I deducted a few points. -
feb eeいろいろなお祝いも重なり、 かみさんが何度もリピートしている、 日進竹の山にある、こちらの手石さんへ、 予約して行ってきました。 ていしではなく、ひといしさんと読むみたいですね。 お店の前の駐車場に停め...いろいろなお祝いも重なり、
・希少部位 シンシン
(Translated by Google)
Various celebrations overlap,
Kami-san repeats it over and over again,
To this Teishi-san in Nisshin Takenoyama,
I made a reservation and went.
It seems to be read as Hitoishi-san rather than Teishi.
Park in the parking lot in front of the store and enter the store.
There are counter seats, and the store is very clean.
Since we had made a reservation for 4 people, we were shown to a private room.
The restaurant was almost full, so I'm glad I made a reservation.
The lunch menu is
First came the salad,
The red rice soup has arrived.
You can get unlimited refills of rice and red soup.
I'm so happy.
I will do each one once.
The first dish has been decided
・Forest Bird Sesseri (Okayama)
・Shurei Pork Rose (Aichi)
・Special beef tongue sausage
・Top heart
has appeared for the number of people.
Served with rock salt, they are all delicious.
I especially liked the heart.
The second dish is
We could choose from various types of meat.
Prices also vary depending on the type you choose.
I chose a plate called Kura.
・Top lever
・Wagyu beef lean meat
・Rare part Shinshin
I had it with sauce and wasabi,
All of them are meaty and delicious.
The rare part of shin shin was the best.
Lastly, rooibos tea jelly and blueberries.
Almond tofu on top.
It turned out to be a very satisfying lunch yakiniku.
I understand why Kami-san keeps repeating.
I would like you to take me again.
Thanks for the meal. -
岡本美香お店も清潔感有りスタッフさんも丁寧な対応で大満足でした。LUNCHの単品がもう少し多いと嬉しいですがリピ有りです。 (Translated by Google) I was very satisfied with the cleanliness of the store and the ...お店も清潔感有りスタッフさんも丁寧な対応で大満足でした。LUNCHの単品がもう少し多いと嬉しいですがリピ有りです。
(Translated by Google)
I was very satisfied with the cleanliness of the store and the politeness of the staff. I would be happy if LUNCH had more single items, but I have repeat orders. -
kirakiralife.t日進市にある人気店 『竹の山ダイニング手石』さん〜✨ . 人気店とあってお昼のランチは 満席だったー‼︎ 予約して行ってよかった😊 . 焼肉屋さんと思えないくらい 煙もない綺麗な店内! . コンロがまさに違...日進市にある人気店
(Translated by Google)
Popular store in Nisshin City
“Takenoyama Dining Teishi” ~✨
As it is a popular restaurant, lunch is served at
It was full!! ︎
I’m glad I made a reservation 😊
It's hard to believe it's a Yakiniku restaurant.
A clean store with no smoke!
Looks like the stove is completely different!
Even if you grill the same meat, it brings out the flavor.
It looks amazing!
Meat is a small part of the body part.
As explained, it's delicious
I didn't understand lol
2550 yen
◆First dish
⭐︎Forest Wakadori Seseri (from Okayama)
⭐︎Beautiful pork belly (from Aichi)
⭐︎Special beef tongue sausage
⭐︎Fresh top
◆2nd dish
rare parts
⭐︎Rib cap
(3 types)
★Rice, red soup and free refills
★Comes with salad and dessert
★Today's tea
No words needed! In one word, delicious!
Meat like that!
There is no doubt that rare parts are delicious.
The top is juicy and delicious ❤️
This price comes with all this
The cost performance is too good!
I know it's popular 😊
This is my favorite restaurant, so when I want to eat meat,
I'm coming 😊
I want to come this evening 😊 -
トシヤブルーランチは味噌汁ご飯食べ放題でお肉もソーセージも全て美味しかった (Translated by Google) For lunch, we had all-you-can-eat miso soup and rice, and the meat and sausage were all delicious.ランチは味噌汁ご飯食べ放題でお肉もソーセージも全て美味しかった
(Translated by Google)
For lunch, we had all-you-can-eat miso soup and rice, and the meat and sausage were all delicious. -
まるとても美味しい。 予約を取るのは大変ですが、何を食べても美味しいです。お酒も豊富だし、お肉にもこだわっているのに金額的にも良心的でとても良いお店だと思います。 ただなんせ予約が取りずらい...。 (Trans...とても美味しい。
(Translated by Google)
Very delicious.
It's difficult to make a reservation, but whatever you eat is delicious. I think it's a very good restaurant, with a wide selection of alcoholic beverages and a particular focus on meat, but with reasonable prices.
However, it is difficult to make a reservation... -
Nanako Higuchi日進エリアのオシャ焼肉屋さん。 焼き方にこだわりをお持ちのようで、蒸気で(?)(だったかな?)あたためてお肉を焼くのだとか。網があまり汚くならないのがとても有難いです。 キムチ系はあまり辛くないです。ビビ...日進エリアのオシャ焼肉屋さん。
キムチ系はあまり辛くないです。ビビンバはコチュジャンがないそうなので、店員さんに伝えてラー油のようなタレをいただきました(笑)(もしかしたらお店からしたら邪道だったかな、、!?) でも、あのタレで食べるの美味しかったです(笑)タレやコチュジャンなどの調味料を元々持ってきてもらえるといいなあと思いました。
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A stylish yakiniku restaurant in the Nisshin area.
He seems to be very particular about the way he grills his meat, heating it with (?) (or maybe?) steam. I'm very grateful that the net doesn't get too dirty.
Kimchi is not very spicy. It seems that the bibimbap doesn't have gochujang, so I told the staff and got a sauce like chili oil (lol) (Maybe it was a bad idea from the store's point of view...!?) But it was delicious to eat with that sauce. (laughs) I thought it would be nice if they brought their own seasonings like sauce and gochujang.
My clothes didn't smell as bad as at a regular yakiniku restaurant, and I felt calmer overall. -
Corgi Rin
山城ランチ帯で料理は美味しかったですがそれ以上に接客がひどい。1品目が出てからかなりの時間何も提供されず時間を持て余しました。 ごはん・味噌汁すら出てこず2度催促しても待つ次第。持ってきたときにも詫びる様...ランチ帯で料理は美味しかったですがそれ以上に接客がひどい。1品目が出てからかなりの時間何も提供されず時間を持て余しました。
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It was lunch time and the food was delicious, but the customer service was even worse. After the first item was released, nothing was served for quite some time, so we had a lot of time to spare.
Even the rice and miso soup didn't come out, and even after I asked twice, I had to wait. He didn't even seem to apologize when I brought it to him.
Even so, I can't help but think that they are belittling the customers by telling them to leave by the designated time. -
yuri go2000円で豪華焼肉ランチ食べれます♪ 口のなかでとろけるお肉も ありました(笑) ご飯赤だしはおかわりできます♪ 店の雰囲気も明るくて いい感じでしたよ (Translated by Google) You can have a luxurious yakini...2000円で豪華焼肉ランチ食べれます♪
(Translated by Google)
You can have a luxurious yakiniku lunch for 2000 yen♪
Meat that melts in your mouth
There was (lol)
You can get a second helping of the rice soup stock♪
The atmosphere of the store is bright.
It felt good -
こはるずっと前から行きたかったお店 日進の竹の山にある 焼肉屋さん 手石 ヒトイシと読みます!笑 ランチはお値打ち✨ 予約で満席の人気店!! 前に予約なしで突撃してフラれました 予約は必須か、13時半〜2回...ずっと前から行きたかったお店
日進の竹の山にある 焼肉屋さん
手石 ヒトイシと読みます!笑
まずは緑茶が ピッチャーで出てくるのが嬉しい
まずは 1皿目塩物が出てきます
2皿目は 自分のセレクトしたタレ物が
私達は全員 源を
清潔感あって お肉の質も良くて!
周りには オシャレなカフェがたくさん☕️✨
ここでランチして スイーツ行っちゃったら
でも、たまにの贅沢になら いーよね!笑
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A store I've wanted to go to for a long time
Yakiniku restaurant in Takenoyama, Nisshin
Teishi is pronounced Hitoishi! lol
Lunch is a good value ✨
A popular restaurant that is fully booked! !
I stormed in without a reservation before and got dumped.
Reservations are essential, or aim for the second rotation from 1:30 p.m.! !
First of all, I'm glad that the green tea comes in a pitcher.
The salad is fresh and the dressing is delicious.
First of all, the first plate comes with salted fish.
The beef tongue sausage was so delicious that I wanted to try it as well!
The second dish has the sauce of your choice.
We all have a source
I want to eat tongue and lean meat.
The red meat of the day was the thigh and the forelegs.
Both were delicious
Almost all the girls in the store!
It was clean and the quality of the meat was good!
It was no surprise that the restaurant was full.
I would like to try steak too, if I have a chance next time,
I want to eat a special course.
It also comes with dessert,
Then I wonder if I can go to the second one? ? ? lol lol
Nisshin bamboo mountain
There are many stylish cafes around ☕️✨
I had lunch here and went to the sweets.
Quite a lot of calories
But if it's an occasional luxury, it's fine! lol -
Kiyoemon 55こんな美味しい焼肉食べたことないって言うほど美味しかったです😍岩塩でお肉食べるとあっさりしてていくらでも食べられます。肉の種類によってコース値段は違いますが、税込2035円で味噌汁ご飯おかわり自由でサラ...こんな美味しい焼肉食べたことないって言うほど美味しかったです😍岩塩でお肉食べるとあっさりしてていくらでも食べられます。肉の種類によってコース値段は違いますが、税込2035円で味噌汁ご飯おかわり自由でサラダ、デザートもついてだったので非常にお値打ち感あります。絶対にまた来店したいと思えるお店でした。非常に人気が あるので必ず予約した方がいいと思います。
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It was so delicious that I had never eaten such delicious yakiniku.😍When you eat the meat with rock salt, it is light and you can eat as much as you want. The course price varies depending on the type of meat, but it's 2,035 yen including tax, and it comes with miso soup, rice, free refills, salad, and dessert, so it's a great value. It was a store that I would definitely want to visit again. It's very popular, so you should definitely make a reservation. -
o t色々選べて雰囲気もよかったです!お肉も美味しいのでおすすめ! 昼時は混むので予約してないとなかなか入れないので注意が必要です。 (Translated by Google) There was a lot to choose from and the atmosph...色々選べて雰囲気もよかったです!お肉も美味しいのでおすすめ!
(Translated by Google)
There was a lot to choose from and the atmosphere was great! The meat is delicious too, so I recommend it!
Please note that it gets crowded at lunchtime, so if you don't make a reservation, you won't be able to get in. -
Koh Nagai
武宏拘りの塊のようなお店 肉の質と割安な値段は他店では不可能かと思われます。 (Translated by Google) A shop with a lot of attention to detail The quality of the meat and the reasonable price cannot be f...拘りの塊のようなお店
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A shop with a lot of attention to detail
The quality of the meat and the reasonable price cannot be found at other restaurants. -
ああ従業員の教育がなってない。落としたデザートのトッピングを再びのせて提供しようとしていた。 (Translated by Google) Employees are not properly trained. I was about to put the dropped dessert toppings ...従業員の教育がなってない。落としたデザートのトッピングを再びのせて提供しようとしていた。
(Translated by Google)
Employees are not properly trained. I was about to put the dropped dessert toppings back on and serve it. -
Misao Yamadaとても美味しくランチを頂きました。 ご飯、お味噌汁がおかわり自由。 お水の代わりにとってもおいしい冷たい緑茶。 お肉の質もとてもよく、内容も量も充実です。 (Translated by Google) We had a very delicio...とても美味しくランチを頂きました。
(Translated by Google)
We had a very delicious lunch.
Free refills of rice and miso soup.
A delicious cold green tea instead of water.
The quality of the meat is very good, and the contents and quantity are substantial. -
サクラケナリいつ訪問しても満席。 満席は仕方ないけれど、スタッフが断る姿勢が残念。 せっかく来てくださったのに申し訳ない、の気持ちはないのかな? いくら料理が良くても、2度と行かない、という気持ちになってしまう。😤...いつ訪問しても満席。
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It's always full no matter when I visit.
It can't be helped that the seats are full, but it's disappointing that the staff refuses.
Don't you feel sorry for taking the trouble to come?
No matter how good the food is, I end up feeling like I'll never go there again. 😤
I wonder if the staff is the problem. -
かなっこvv料理に関してはおいしかったので文句は言いませんが、メニューと接客でマイナスです。 わかりにくいメニューを置いていても無駄ですよね、聞いても不愉快な接客をされるだけですし。 (Translated by Google) As ...料理に関してはおいしかったので文句は言いませんが、メニューと接客でマイナスです。
(Translated by Google)
As for the food, it was delicious, so I can't complain, but the menu and customer service are negative.
There's no point in having a menu that's hard to understand, because even if you ask, you'll only get unpleasant customer service. -
トキ美味しくて安い!店員さんも気さくで良い人ばかりでした! (Translated by Google) Delicious and cheap! The store staff were also friendly and nice!美味しくて安い!店員さんも気さくで良い人ばかりでした!
(Translated by Google)
Delicious and cheap! The store staff were also friendly and nice! -
Moko Maimai
kkg Jお昼1番はどんなに早く電話してもいつも満席と言われます。そしていつも13時半は空いてます。 ボリュームもあって、ランチコースの種類もたくさんあって、お気に入りです! 店員さんは決して愛想は良くないですが...お昼1番はどんなに早く電話してもいつも満席と言われます。そしていつも13時半は空いてます。
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No matter how early I call for lunch, I am always told that the place is full. And it's always empty by 1:30pm.
It's my favorite because it's voluminous and there are many kinds of lunch courses!
The store clerk is not at all friendly, but
There is no problem as they explain each piece of meat carefully.
The store staff is expressionless, so I think the atmosphere of the store would be better if they could smile a little more. ?
The staff's casual customer service is immediately noticeable to customers as soon as they enter the store. -
Koichi Oyama
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If you want to eat good meat, please come here❗The problem is that there are not many seats available (>_<) -
佐藤文春竹の山ダイニング手石でランチ 手石はひといしって読みます😅 手石焼肉御膳 王 コースを集約した御膳! 和牛赤身 霜降 セセリ豚バラ ホルモン 旨〜い😋👍 (Translated by Google) Lunch at Takenoyama Dining Teis...竹の山ダイニング手石でランチ
手石焼肉御膳 王
(Translated by Google)
Lunch at Takenoyama Dining Teishi
I read Teishi one by one 😅
Teishi Yakiniku Gozen King
A set meal that combines all the courses!
Wagyu lean meat
Seseri pork belly
Delicious😋👍 -
a y夜に伺いました。お店側が選んで出すコースでした。赤身のお肉は柔らかく美味しかったです。 お値段するお店ですし、焼肉屋さんの割に年配の方が多いイメージでした。上品な焼肉屋さんです。(実際、年配の方と伺...夜に伺いました。お店側が選んで出すコースでした。赤身のお肉は柔らかく美味しかったです。
(Translated by Google)
I visited at night. It was a course chosen by the restaurant. The red meat was tender and delicious.
It's an expensive restaurant, and considering it's a Yakiniku restaurant, I had the impression that there were a lot of older people. This is an elegant Yakiniku restaurant. (Actually, I heard from an elderly person)
Unfortunately, the menu was very difficult to understand.
It's a course, so it's good to know what to bring in advance.
I asked for food, but it never came, and today's meal is curry, so I can't be flexible.
Yakiniku and curry...I asked her to at least serve me some food first, but even after I said I understood, she never came...
There are many dishes that you don't have a choice of. Some were inedible.
I wish I had at least known the menu first.It was a shame.
I thought it would be nice if there were chairs in the tatami room. It was a little difficult not being able to lean back. Isn't it especially difficult for families with children and elderly people?
The customer service is average...I don't think they have a bit of a service mentality.
I didn't leave any bad impressions, nor did I get the impression that I received friendly, smiling customer service.
Perhaps the owner is very picky and wants you to eat what he thinks is delicious! That's probably what you're thinking. (^^)
Recommended for people who like that kind of thing.
My honest opinion is that I don't think I'll go next time. -
a a
Tsuyoshi Seimoto
ka I美味しかったです。 夜お邪魔しましたが、お肉が単品で全て注文できるといいなあと感じました。 お肉を焼くところの隙間が大きいので、お肉を焼くとき落としてしまわないか心配でした😅 遠赤外線(?)で熱を通すの...美味しかったです。
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It was delicious.
I visited there tonight, but I thought it would be nice to be able to order all the meat individually.
There is a big gap in the area where the meat is grilled, so I was worried that I might drop it while grilling it.
Since it transmits heat using far infrared rays (?), I didn't have to worry about the smell of yakiniku at all.
I ordered the lean meat omakase, and all of them were delicious.
I think it was about 12,000 yen for two people.
It was a stylish space like a cafe.
The customer service was mediocre. -
きむらもとのぶ焼肉店なのにコーヒーもこだわり、 (Translated by Google) Even though it is a Yakiniku restaurant, we are particular about our coffee.焼肉店なのにコーヒーもこだわり、
(Translated by Google)
Even though it is a Yakiniku restaurant, we are particular about our coffee. -
ma yuどうもお店の方に注文をお任せするのがウリのようです。初めて訪問しましたが、メニューが結構解り辛かったです。注文に戸惑っていたら 女性の店員さんが、「こんなことも分からないんですか?」とまぁ〜バカにす...どうもお店の方に注文をお任せするのがウリのようです。初めて訪問しましたが、メニューが結構解り辛かったです。注文に戸惑っていたら 女性の店員さんが、「こんなことも分からないんですか?」とまぁ〜バカにするように半笑いで対応してくださいました。
料理に罪はありませんが 上記のこともあり美味しく感じることはできませんでした。
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It seems like the best option is to leave the ordering to the store staff. This was my first visit, and the menu was quite difficult to understand. When I was confused about my order, a female clerk responded with a half-smile and asked, ``You don't even know this?'' as if to make fun of me.
There's nothing wrong with the food, but due to the above, I didn't find it delicious.
The only thing I can praise is the clean and tidy atmosphere. -
Akira Deen希少部位等のお肉が、色々と食べさせてくれます。😚 (Translated by Google) You can eat a variety of meat such as rare parts. 😚希少部位等のお肉が、色々と食べさせてくれます。😚
(Translated by Google)
You can eat a variety of meat such as rare parts. 😚 -
デコパチお洒落な感じはとてもいいです そういう意味ではデート向きですが普段使いではタレが妙にしょっぱい 自分は結構しょっぱいのも味が濃いのも好きなのですが、それでもしょっぱいと思ったぐらいです 二人で行って二...お洒落な感じはとてもいいです
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The stylish feeling is very nice
In that sense, it's suitable for dates, but the sauce is strangely salty for everyday use.
I personally like salty and strong flavors, but I still thought it was salty.
I went there with two people and we both had the same impressions, so I don't think it's a mistake.
The quality of the meat is a bit unclear.
The impact of the sauce was so strong that I couldn't understand it.
I think it's a good restaurant for a date. -
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I love a little short ribs and lean meat, and the reviews were high, so I went there for lunch on a weekday. The atmosphere is very nice, but the quality of the meat on the lunch menu was so good that I thought it was the kind of meat you get at a cheap all-you-can-eat restaurant. I think it's a good place to go to enjoy the atmosphere, but I don't think it's a place to go to eat delicious meat. I think I'll try going there once during dinner time. I waited over 10 minutes for my after-dinner coffee, but it was worth the wait and it was delicious. -
Shohei Aoyagi肉質は最高。 (Translated by Google) The meat quality is the best.肉質は最高。
(Translated by Google)
The meat quality is the best. -
神威鴒音美味しいの一言です。絶対に リピします。 (Translated by Google) One word is delicious. I will definitely return.美味しいの一言です。絶対に リピします。
(Translated by Google)
One word is delicious. I will definitely return. -
くぅなかなか予約の取れないお店でたまたま予約が取れて行ってきました。 お肉の質も店員さんも◎ また是非行きたそんな所。 今回は【宮】【王】【殿】をオーダー٩( ᐛ )و 1枚目【王】 3.5枚目【殿】 4枚目【宮】 ...なかなか予約の取れないお店でたまたま予約が取れて行ってきました。
今回は【宮】【王】【殿】をオーダー٩( ᐛ )و
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I happened to be able to make a reservation at a restaurant that is difficult to get reservations for.
The quality of the meat and the staff are ◎
I would definitely go there again.
This time, we will order the [Palace], [King], and [Temple]٩( ᐛ )و
1st one [King]
3.5th photo [Lord]
4th photo [Miya]
However, there is quite a gap on the side of the grill, so be careful as the delicious meat will pop out!!!
(Told by someone with experience lol) -
ERIMAKI13:30に予約しましたが、入れたのは14時近かったです。味は美味しかったけど、女の店員が残念でした。 (Translated by Google) I made a reservation for 13:30, but it was almost 14:00 when I got in. The fo...13:30に予約しましたが、入れたのは14時近かったです。味は美味しかったけど、女の店員が残念でした。
(Translated by Google)
I made a reservation for 13:30, but it was almost 14:00 when I got in. The food was delicious, but the female waiter was disappointing. -
Nut KatsThe Best yakiniku around here. Kind of small but has counter seats and Tatami table seats, not smoky and fancy cafe-like atmosphere. Even the menu book is bling bling lol when I went there I think ...The Best yakiniku around here. Kind of small but has counter seats and Tatami table seats, not smoky and fancy cafe-like atmosphere. Even the menu book is bling bling lol when I went there I think they were playing guitar music.
The meat for one is usually 3 or 4 slices so you can totally go there by yourself too. The portions are small. Even the salad and side dishes are good too. The tail porridge and tail noodle was so so delicious. You must try it.
Tatar was my favorite among the meat.
They have variety of fancy drinks too.
Recommended ! -
Ayumi M
坂野剛なんでもタイミングかな🎵ここはなぜか焦げない出てくるタイミング良く肉質は言うことなし✨錫で飲む酒はたまらない。稀少部位を少量づつ頂けて、少しづつ焼く!✌️〆にテールそば頂いたが、旨かった✨ (Translated ...なんでもタイミングかな🎵ここはなぜか焦げない出てくるタイミング良く肉質は言うことなし✨錫で飲む酒はたまらない。稀少部位を少量づつ頂けて、少しづつ焼く!✌️〆にテールそば頂いたが、旨かった✨
(Translated by Google)
It's all about timing 🎵 For some reason, the meat here comes out at a good time without burning, and the quality of the meat is nothing to say ✨ Drinking sake in tin is irresistible. You can receive small portions of rare parts and grill them little by little! ✌️I had the tail soba for finishing and it was delicious✨ -
aki h期待して行きましたが、ランチの赤身肉は筋が強く噛み切れませんでした。(ちなみに私お肉好きなので筋強めでも食べれる人です)サラダはレタスが腐っていました。 その後の応対もいまいちで。。。3枚しかない赤身...期待して行きましたが、ランチの赤身肉は筋が強く噛み切れませんでした。(ちなみに私お肉好きなので筋強めでも食べれる人です)サラダはレタスが腐っていました。
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I went there with high expectations, but the red meat for lunch was so stringy that I couldn't chew it. (By the way, I like meat, so I can eat it even if it's muscular.) The lettuce in the salad was rotten.
The response after that was also not so good. . . There are only three pieces of lean meat, and two of them have streaks at the edges. They gave me replacement meat, but I wonder if it's a problem with the muscle and grade of meat again? ! The first piece was just plain red meat. -
よしこ伊藤焼肉巡りが大好きで、先日友達とランチへ伺いました。 同じメニューを頼んだのにもかかわらず友達の方が4切れ多く入っていたりで、 明らかに量が違う。 グラムとかじゃなく目で見て分かる位違う。 馬鹿にしてるん...焼肉巡りが大好きで、先日友達とランチへ伺いました。
(Translated by Google)
I love going on yakiniku tours, so I went there for lunch with a friend the other day.
Even though we ordered the same menu, my friend got 4 more slices than me.
Obviously the amounts are different.
It's not just a gram, but it's so different that you can see it with your eyes.
Are you making fun of me?
The seasoning is subtle and the cooking time is too slow.
Those sitting in the back will not be burnt.
Only one side has far infrared rays.
The price doesn't match the quality of the meat.
I'm even more surprised that they serve the wrong amount even though we're paying the same price.
The tea is also powdery.
It's a relief that there aren't many yakiniku restaurants open for lunch.
I don't think I'll go anymore. -
Takashi Ozakiランチのコストパフォーマンスが大変良い。 (Translated by Google) Very good value for money for lunch.ランチのコストパフォーマンスが大変良い。
(Translated by Google)
Very good value for money for lunch. -
(Translated by Google)
I ordered the Teishi course. The food is absolutely delicious! ! It's a great course and you can enjoy various parts of the course. Since it is baked with far infrared rays, no fire is used, so there is no smoke from the fire and it is pleasant. One disappointing thing is that the last drink of the course is usually coffee, which is automatically served and you cannot choose it. . My wife can't drink coffee, so I forced her to change it to orange juice, but since the dessert was cold, it would have been even better if she could also choose hot tea. -
みょランチで。感じの良い接客でしたが…いろんな意味で残念でした。 (Translated by Google) At lunch. The customer service was pleasant, but... it was disappointing in many ways.ランチで。感じの良い接客でしたが…いろんな意味で残念でした。
(Translated by Google)
At lunch. The customer service was pleasant, but... it was disappointing in many ways. -
Masanori Saito
Norio Fujitsukaランチは予約で! (Translated by Google) Make a reservation for lunch!ランチは予約で!
(Translated by Google)
Make a reservation for lunch! -
戸部敏博コースで頼みました (Translated by Google) I ordered it on the course.コースで頼みました
(Translated by Google)
I ordered it on the course. -
(Translated by Google)
I went there looking forward to the evening, but due to the poor customer service attitude of the staff, the meat didn't taste very good. I didn't know much about the meat when ordering, so when I asked a question, the response was cold, as if they were making fun of an amateur. The customer service attitude was so disappointing that I couldn't feel any sincerity towards the customers in every aspect of serving the food and pulling the plates, so I decided not to go there again. If I'm going to spend money anyway, I'd rather go to a restaurant where I can eat and feel good.
I don't think we should forget our original intentions when we opened the store just because it has become a bit popular. Who pays the salaries of the staff? I hope that they will never forget this and treat each and every customer with sincerity. -
藤塚徳夫上みすじ、最高! (Translated by Google) Kamisuji is the best!上みすじ、最高!
(Translated by Google)
Kamisuji is the best! -
ok gk少し高いですが美味しいです。また、焼肉の煙が下に吸い込まれて臭いが付かないのは良いと思った。ただ、個室で利用したところ店員さんを呼びにくかった。 (Translated by Google) It's a little expensive, but...少し高いですが美味しいです。また、焼肉の煙が下に吸い込まれて臭いが付かないのは良いと思った。ただ、個室で利用したところ店員さんを呼びにくかった。
(Translated by Google)
It's a little expensive, but it's delicious. Also, I thought it was good that the smoke from the yakiniku was sucked into the bottom and didn't cause any odor. However, when I used it in a private room, it was difficult to call the staff. -
sniff swifここはとても良いです。 週末のランチは並びます。 店内のデザインにも品があり、 盛り付けや器、トングなど店内全てにこだわりを感じます。 肉質は中の上と感じました。 ランチがとてもお得です。 ゆったり焼肉...ここはとても良いです。
(Translated by Google)
It's very good here.
There is a line for lunch on weekends.
The design inside the store is also elegant.
You can feel the attention to detail in everything in the store, including the presentation, bowls, and tongs.
I felt that the meat quality was above average.
Lunch is very good value.
When you want to relax and enjoy Yakiniku,
I am using it.
Although it is not easy to access in the suburbs,
This is a store that I would like to visit again. -
Eファミリー席があり子連れにはとてもありがたいです。クッションや横に遊べるスペースがありますがこけても痛くないのでベビーでも安心して遊べます。 おもちゃも壁一面にあり、ありがたいです。 お肉も美味しい...ファミリー席があり子連れにはとてもありがたいです。クッションや横に遊べるスペースがありますがこけても痛くないのでベビーでも安心して遊べます。
(Translated by Google)
There are family seats, which is great for families with children. There are cushions and space to play on the side, but even if it falls, it won't hurt, so even babies can play with peace of mind.
There are toys all over the wall, which I appreciate.
The meat was delicious, and children received free rice and seaweed. -
(Translated by Google)
Last week I made a reservation online and went there for lunch with my one year old daughter. I would definitely recommend it to people with children. There are cute children's tableware and a nice baby chair, and the walls are lined with toys and card games. He was very excited and in a good mood throughout, so my husband and I were able to enjoy the meat at a leisurely pace. They provided free Korean seaweed and rice for children, so even if they can't chew meat, there's no need to worry. Children's ramen and fries were also on the menu. Even dessert was busy and all the salads were delicious. The food was brought out right away without waiting. The atmosphere was stylish and the Christmas tree was cute. I want to go again. -
akemi落ち着いた雰囲気の店内で、テーブル席の他に、掘りごたつの席や個室もありました。 ランチコースで一番人気の 「王」2,750円税込をいただきました。お肉は色んな部位一種類一枚ずつの盛り合わせでした。 苦手な...落ち着いた雰囲気の店内で、テーブル席の他に、掘りごたつの席や個室もありました。
ランチコースで一番人気の 「王」2,750円税込をいただきました。お肉は色んな部位一種類一枚ずつの盛り合わせでした。
(Translated by Google)
The restaurant has a calm atmosphere, and in addition to table seats, there are also sunken kotatsu seats and private rooms.
I had the most popular lunch course, ``King'', which cost 2,750 yen including tax. The meat was an assortment of different cuts of meat.
I was able to change the parts I didn't like, and everything was delicious. -
いとさん息子の誕生日の前祝いで、焼き肉が食べたいと言うのでネット検索で見つけ訪れました。 我が家が普段利用するチェーン店とは違い、入口から通路、席まで全てがお洒落で中2の息子もテンション上がってました。 お洒...息子の誕生日の前祝いで、焼き肉が食べたいと言うのでネット検索で見つけ訪れました。
(Translated by Google)
I was celebrating my son's birthday before his birthday, and he wanted to eat grilled meat, so I found this place on the internet and came here.
Unlike the chain stores that my family usually uses, everything from the entrance to the aisles to the seats was stylish, and even my son, who is in middle school, was excited.
I had the impression that fashionable shops = unfriendly staff, but this one was very kind and polite.
The lunch course was also very delicious, not only the meat but also the iced tea that came with the dessert.
It seemed like the portion wasn't quite enough for my son who was a big eater, but he was very satisfied with the taste.
I'm thinking of going at night next time. -
A Nディナーで利用しました。 まず案内までにとても時間がかかりました。 料理の提供もすごく時間がかかります。 割と高価な価格に見合わないサービスだと思います。 店内はとても綺麗でした! (Translated by Go...ディナーで利用しました。
(Translated by Google)
I used it for dinner.
First of all, it took a very long time to get directions.
Serving food also takes a lot of time.
I think the service is not worth the relatively high price.
The inside of the store was very beautiful! -
村田晴紀妻と初めて利用いたしましたが、お店の雰囲気も良く料理も美味しく満足でした。 スタッフさんの接客も良かったので、また利用させてもらおうと思ってます! (Translated by Google) My wife and I used this res...妻と初めて利用いたしましたが、お店の雰囲気も良く料理も美味しく満足でした。
(Translated by Google)
My wife and I used this restaurant for the first time, and we were satisfied with the restaurant's atmosphere and delicious food.
The staff's customer service was also good, so I plan to use them again! -
Y平日ランチで行きました。口コミを見て不安だったのですが、私は満足でした! 注文後すぐにお茶とサラダが出てきて、お肉の盛り合わせは少し後から出てきました。遅いとは感じませんでした。 トングも人数分あり...平日ランチで行きました。口コミを見て不安だったのですが、私は満足でした!
(Translated by Google)
I went for lunch on a weekday. I was worried after reading the reviews, but I was satisfied!
Tea and salad came out immediately after ordering, and the meat platter came out a little later. It didn't feel slow.
There were enough tongs for each person, and we were able to quickly get refills of rice.
However, it seems that you can't refill the first cup of tea (black tea?), so I would have liked to have been asked about this before serving it and whether it would be served immediately or after the meal.
Personally, I was disappointed because I wanted to drink it with dessert.
All the meat was delicious. -
舞子移転前から気に入って来ていましたが、何が変わったのか良くなかったです。サラダや料理が出てくるのがおそく、お肉は臭みがありなんだかイマイチ…店内の雰囲気やお席はとてもオシャレで良いのに残念です。 (Tra...移転前から気に入って来ていましたが、何が変わったのか良くなかったです。サラダや料理が出てくるのがおそく、お肉は臭みがありなんだかイマイチ…店内の雰囲気やお席はとてもオシャレで良いのに残念です。
(Translated by Google)
I liked it before the move, but I didn't like what had changed. The salads and other dishes were slow to come out, and the meat had a bad smell.It's a shame because the atmosphere and the seats are very fashionable and nice. -
hiroi移転前から特別な日にも友達とのランチにも色々な食事はここと決めていましたが、移転後はサービスがひどく行くのをやめました。 鴨が食べたかったのでそのコースを注文すると鴨はなく、違うお肉がでてきた。 注...移転前から特別な日にも友達とのランチにも色々な食事はここと決めていましたが、移転後はサービスがひどく行くのをやめました。
(Translated by Google)
Before the move, I had decided to have various meals here for special occasions and lunches with friends, but after the move, the service was so bad that I stopped going there.
I wanted to eat duck, so when I ordered that course, there was no duck, but a different meat.
There was no explanation of the alternative menu before ordering, and when the meal was served, there was no explanation as to why there was no duck.
This happened about twice.
Since it was a family member's birthday, I requested a birthday surprise when making the reservation.
For some reason, the birthday dessert goes to the seat next to me.
When I went to the store with a reservation in advance, the parking lot was full.
When I asked if there was any other parking lot, I was told there was none.
Even if you ask them what to do, they just ask you to wait.
I have something to do after that, so there's no way I can wait even though I made a reservation.
Should we reserve a parking lot for the seats available? -
でぶこでぶランチでおじゃましました お肉 美味し過ぎでした👋😆🎶✨ (Translated by Google) I stopped by for lunch. The meat was so delicious👋😆🎶✨ランチでおじゃましました お肉 美味し過ぎでした👋😆🎶✨
(Translated by Google)
I stopped by for lunch. The meat was so delicious👋😆🎶✨ -
hair MIU
Penn Penn注文後、1時間待ってようやくお肉が一皿だけ。その後も中々、肉にありつけず。ようやくかと思いきや注文数が足りないことが、数回。席は空きがいくつか有り混んでない。2時間半居ましたが、余り食べれず、お肉は...注文後、1時間待ってようやくお肉が一皿だけ。その後も中々、肉にありつけず。ようやくかと思いきや注文数が足りないことが、数回。席は空きがいくつか有り混んでない。2時間半居ましたが、余り食べれず、お肉は美味しいですが、非常に後味悪く満足感無しに帰った。家族が久しぶりに集まった日だっただけに残念。サービスをどう考えてるのか疑わしい。
(Translated by Google)
After ordering, I waited for an hour and finally got only one plate of meat. After that, I still couldn't find any meat. Several times, I thought I was finally done, but I didn't have enough orders. There are some empty seats so it's not crowded. I was there for two and a half hours, but I didn't eat much. Although the meat was delicious, it left a very bad aftertaste and I left feeling unsatisfied. It's a shame because it was the first day my family got together in a while. I'm not sure what you think about the service. -
su ta予約して訪問。 とにかく遅い。催促しても遅い。 肉・飲み物全てが遅く、結局デザートは来なかった。 口コミ通りです、再訪は有りません。 (Translated by Google) Make a reservation and visit. It's late any...予約して訪問。
(Translated by Google)
Make a reservation and visit.
It's late anyway. Even if I urge you, it's too late.
All meat and drinks were served late, and dessert never arrived.
As per the reviews, I won't be visiting again. -
じゃむ三郎飲み物30分、食べ物は1時間かかってようやく出てくるレベル。 2度と行きません。 (Translated by Google) Drinks took 30 minutes and food took an hour to come out. I will never go there again.飲み物30分、食べ物は1時間かかってようやく出てくるレベル。
(Translated by Google)
Drinks took 30 minutes and food took an hour to come out.
I will never go there again. -
浅井文子コロナ禍以前のダイニング手石が良かったな⁉️ (Translated by Google) Dining Teishi before the coronavirus pandemic was good⁉️コロナ禍以前のダイニング手石が良かったな⁉️
(Translated by Google)
Dining Teishi before the coronavirus pandemic was good⁉️ -
toko usaランチに伺いました。おいしいお肉が少しずつ乗ったプレートをおいしいご飯(つや姫)でいただきました。 (Translated by Google) I visited for lunch. We had a plate with a little bit of delicious meat on i...ランチに伺いました。おいしいお肉が少しずつ乗ったプレートをおいしいご飯(つや姫)でいただきました。
(Translated by Google)
I visited for lunch. We had a plate with a little bit of delicious meat on it, served with delicious rice (Tsuyahime). -
mori iso
S K移転前に食事しました。 網の隙間が大きくその隙間に肉が落ちてしまった。 それを見ていたのにかかわらず従業員は知らんぷり。 2回目来店した際はランチでかなり長い間待たされて入店して食事をしていたら、店員...移転前に食事しました。
(Translated by Google)
I ate here before moving.
The gaps in the net were large and the meat fell into them.
Even though the employees saw it, they didn't know about it.
The second time I came to the store, I had to wait quite a long time for lunch, and when I went in to eat, the staff member half-heartedly told me, "We're closing soon." Well, then why did you let it pass? lol and
When I passed by the store, even though it was late at night, there were loud drunk people and the customer base seemed to be bad, so I swore I would never go there again.
What happens after the move? I have no intention of going, but... -
ttt sssリニューアル後初めて利用しました。 店員の雰囲気‥◎とても感じが良かった 店の雰囲気‥×おそらく50代以上のおじさんが選曲したであろう洋楽ナツメロ。店内の雰囲気も統一感はなく、高級感もない。 肉質‥△1人3000...リニューアル後初めて利用しました。
(Translated by Google)
This was my first time using it after the renovation.
The atmosphere of the staff was very nice.
Atmosphere of the store... x Western music Natsumero, probably selected by an old man in his 50s or older. The atmosphere inside the store is neither uniform nor luxurious.
Meat quality... △ 3,000 to 4,000 yen per person is acceptable. I ordered lean meat, but it was full of oil and I felt sick after eating it.
Cost performance‥✖️✖️Even though we didn't order that much, the price was over 17,000 yen for 2 adults. It wasn't worth the taste or experience at all.
Others... Why is the entrance to the parking lot located at the back? It makes no sense.
There were not many customers even though it was a Friday night. I felt lonely. Even though it's a yakiniku restaurant, the food is served slowly.
I set the fire to the lowest setting, but it was quite strong. Most of the meat burned quickly. (In the past, it was better to take it slow over low heat.)
Since it opened, I have always used it on special occasions. Prices have gone up and the quality of meat has gone down, which is just a shame. I hope that the service will improve even a little. I don't think I'll go again. -
Tsutomu Kano職場の送別会でランチタイムに利用しました。ヘルシーなランチメニューの「姫」を注文しました。色々な部位が少しづつ食べることができました。内臓が苦手な人は別の部位に変更もしてもえます。値段もリーズナブ...職場の送別会でランチタイムに利用しました。ヘルシーなランチメニューの「姫」を注文しました。色々な部位が少しづつ食べることができました。内臓が苦手な人は別の部位に変更もしてもえます。値段もリーズナブルだと思います。
(Translated by Google)
I used it for lunch at a farewell party at work. I ordered ``Hime'' from the healthy lunch menu. I was able to eat small portions of various parts. If you don't like internal organs, you can switch to another part. I think the price is also reasonable.
We also offer a service where you can have birthday or commemorative decorations added to your dessert. -
ndo shoランチ王の美味しいお肉が良かったです。また、スタッフどうしのやりとりがムダがなくさわやかなのが何よりです。また来ます。 (Translated by Google) Lunch King's delicious meat was good. Also, the best p...ランチ王の美味しいお肉が良かったです。また、スタッフどうしのやりとりがムダがなくさわやかなのが何よりです。また来ます。
(Translated by Google)
Lunch King's delicious meat was good. Also, the best part is that the interactions between the staff are smooth and refreshing. I'll come back later. -
ロックスミス共有教の教祖 マイナスの意見に対して従業員と共有しを繰り返す共有教の教祖でしかない。 提供時間が遅いのは人が足りないだけただそれだけのこと。オープンしちゃダメ。それが誠実な対応。 (Translated by Goog...共有教の教祖
(Translated by Google)
The founder of the shared religion
He is nothing more than a sharing cult leader who repeatedly shares negative opinions with his employees.
The slow delivery time is simply due to a lack of staff. Don't open. That is an honest response. -
YZFR6配膳が不満が出るほど遅い。 ご飯、味噌汁は移転前に比べて質が落ちた。 年始ということもあるが、8組入っているのにホールが二人。これでは回らない。 お肉の質がいいだけに残念ですね。 もう行かないかな。 (T...配膳が不満が出るほど遅い。
(Translated by Google)
Serving food was incredibly slow.
The quality of rice and miso soup has deteriorated compared to before the move.
It may be the beginning of the year, but even though there were 8 groups, there were only 2 people in the hall. This won't work.
It's a shame because the quality of the meat is good.
I don't think I'll go anymore. -
HI YO5000位のコースを注文。これまで何度か利用しています。 お肉は色々な部位を少しずついただくことができ、味も美味しいです。 しかし、食事の提供が遅く、イライラしました。また、事前に確認した内容が、事実と...5000位のコースを注文。これまで何度か利用しています。
(Translated by Google)
Ordered the 5000th course. I've used it several times so far.
You can have small portions of various parts of the meat, and the taste is delicious.
However, the food was served slowly, which was frustrating. Also, the information I had confirmed in advance was not true, and I felt that the service was of a low level.
Since moving the store, the quality of service has deteriorated. Food service is slow. There are a lot of comments about this in the reviews, but why hasn't it been improved?
It's a shame. -
名無し顔無し事前に予約したほうがいい。 メニューも豊富で、店も落ち着いた雰囲気のため、客層も落ち着いた人が多い。 肉も美味しく、大満足だった。 店は移転したばかりで、すごく綺麗だった。 リピート確定! (Translat...事前に予約したほうがいい。
(Translated by Google)
Better make a reservation in advance.
The menu is extensive, and the restaurant has a calm atmosphere, so the customer base is mostly calm.
The meat was delicious and I was very satisfied.
The store had just moved and was very clean.
Repeat confirmed! -
km oメニューの瓶ビールを何種類かあったので頼んだら、それは在庫切れだの、冷えてないだの、冷蔵庫が小さいからそれも冷えてないと、、結局生中を頼みました。だったらメニューに書かないほうがいいんじゃないです...メニューの瓶ビールを何種類かあったので頼んだら、それは在庫切れだの、冷えてないだの、冷蔵庫が小さいからそれも冷えてないと、、結局生中を頼みました。だったらメニューに書かないほうがいいんじゃないですか。
100種類のお酒があるのか知りませんが、選ばせといてそれはないですって、、ばかにしてます?笑 もう行かないから別にいいですが。
(Translated by Google)
There were several types of bottled beer on the menu, so I asked for one, but was told that it was out of stock, that it wasn't cold, and that the refrigerator was small, so I ended up ordering draft beer. In that case, wouldn't it be better not to write it on the menu?
I brought a birthday cake in advance at noon, and even though I secretly asked her to bring it back after I had finished eating, she never brought it, and in the end, the amount was read out in front of everyone at the table. Wow, I made a reservation thinking I was going to have some good yakiniku for a birthday party, but I was disappointed. It may be delicious, but I don't want to go there anymore.
I don't know if there are 100 types of alcohol, but are you making fun of me by saying that I don't have one? LOL I'm not going there anymore so it's okay. -
ゆう休日11:00に予約して3名で入店。 まだ早いからか数組くらいしか入ってませんでした。 車で行きましたが大通りからは入れないようになっており、裏口からしか入れない為ご注意ください。 駐車場はかなり広いです。...休日11:00に予約して3名で入店。
(Translated by Google)
I made a reservation for 11:00 on a holiday and entered the store with 3 people.
Probably because it was still early, there were only a few people in.
I went there by car, but please note that you cannot enter from the main street, and you can only enter from the back door.
The parking lot is quite large.
The interior is very clean and has a warm atmosphere.
The seats are not tatami mats, but you must take off your shoes at the entrance.
When I first ordered, it took 30 minutes for the meat to be served.
Refills of raw tea are free.
The salad dressing was sour and refreshing and delicious.
All the meat was very delicious and I was happy. I'm happy to be able to eat a variety of different foods little by little.
I don't want to smoke at all because it sucks in so much smoke.
Unfortunately, the rice and miso soup only arrived after the meat came out and I ate about half of it.
For dessert, I chose Catalana, but the caramel on top, which was supposed to be crispy, was too thick and I had to hit it hard with a spoon several times to break it. The custard dough below had been frozen and was a bit stiff, so I warmed it up on a slightly off-the-grid griddle. Since the caramel part was thick, it was quite sweet, which I didn't like.
There is one toilet for men and one for women. There is also a large diaper changing area.
There are quite a few steps from the entrance to the interior, so please be careful if you have difficulty walking.
It's a very nice space, but there are steps and some aisles are narrow, so I get the impression that the staff will probably have a hard time moving around.
It's only been about half a year since we moved, so the staff were busy, but they seemed to be working really hard, and I think it's going to be hard until they get used to it, but I hope they keep up the good work. -
SiroKuma 0119ディナーコースは、おしゃれなお皿に少しずつ運ばれてくるお肉。かなりゆっくり時間をかけて頂きました。お肉も美味しいですが、最初にでてくるキムチ盛り合わせがとても美味しい! 締めのビビンバとデザートも美...ディナーコースは、おしゃれなお皿に少しずつ運ばれてくるお肉。かなりゆっくり時間をかけて頂きました。お肉も美味しいですが、最初にでてくるキムチ盛り合わせがとても美味しい!
(Translated by Google)
The dinner course is meat served little by little on stylish plates. It took me quite a while. The meat is delicious, but the kimchi platter that comes first is really delicious!
The bibimbap and dessert at the end were also delicious.
The 5,000 yen course is smaller than other restaurants, but it's a restaurant where you can enjoy the food slowly. -
すももお肉の質は良いとは思いますが、基本全ての肉に胡麻油が垂らしてあります。そのせいでどのお肉を食べても胡麻油味です。 私は苦手だったので胡麻油をかけないで欲しい事を伝えると、なぜか半分だけかけずに半分は...お肉の質は良いとは思いますが、基本全ての肉に胡麻油が垂らしてあります。そのせいでどのお肉を食べても胡麻油味です。
(Translated by Google)
I think the quality of the meat is good, but basically all the meat is drizzled with sesame oil. Because of this, no matter what meat I eat, it tastes like sesame oil.
I didn't like it, so I told them that I wanted it without sesame oil, but for some reason, only half of it was covered in sesame oil instead of half of it. When I told them again that I didn't want them to use sesame oil, they told me that they were particular about sesame oil, so I couldn't remove the sesame oil.
If you can't do it, I understand if you say so from the beginning, but no matter how many times I told them, serving it with half the meat felt like harassment.
I felt very sick.
I don't think I'll go again
I think this is good for those who like sesame oil flavored meat. -
coco coco誕生日に連れてってもらいました。 接客があまりにも酷すぎて本当に悲しい誕生日会になりました。 (Translated by Google) I took him there for my birthday. The customer service was so bad that it turned ...誕生日に連れてってもらいました。
(Translated by Google)
I took him there for my birthday.
The customer service was so bad that it turned out to be a really sad birthday party. -
Cloudy Bogdan
井澤悟お店の雰囲気もお肉の質も大満足です! (Translated by Google) I am very satisfied with the atmosphere of the restaurant and the quality of the meat!お店の雰囲気もお肉の質も大満足です!
(Translated by Google)
I am very satisfied with the atmosphere of the restaurant and the quality of the meat! -
(Translated by Google)
I went there for lunch the other day. The food was delicious, but I felt uncomfortable watching the person who appeared to be the manager yelling at the employees to warn them. Moreover, the store manager was talking with his nose sticking out of his mask, so I'm concerned about whether infection control measures are in place. ️ -
R T移転前から子連れ対応◎と聞いていたので気になっていましたが、広い駐車場のお店になって初めて利用しました。 事前に1歳児がいると予約で伝えており、通されたお席がまさに子連れのために考えられた作りで感動...移転前から子連れ対応◎と聞いていたので気になっていましたが、広い駐車場のお店になって初めて利用しました。
(Translated by Google)
Before the move, I was interested because I had heard that they were able to accommodate children, but it was my first time using the restaurant after it became a store with a large parking lot.
I had informed them in advance that I would be traveling with a 1-year-old child, and I was impressed by how the seats I was seated were designed specifically for families with children.
There are two families on the floor on the right when you enter the store.
It is separated by a high-backed kotatsu chair and a roll curtain, and there is also a mat floor in the recess behind the seat for children to play on👶♪
My child also seemed comfortable playing there.
As long as the kids were there, I felt safe knowing they wouldn't climb onto the table or get close to the fire.
Furthermore, for children who have too much free time, there are board games and educational toys from overseas, making it a space that even elementary and middle school students can enjoy.
It was created with families in mind, and we enjoyed having Yakiniku for the first time in a while.
The food was delicious and I was full.
Oh, there were also chairs for small children such as Bumbo! They also provided serving plates and spoons for the children.
A diaper changing table and auxiliary toilet seat are also available in the women's restroom! -
hideaki yamamoto最近の焼肉屋さんは煙たくないですよね。ココも最近改装したので勿論煙たくないです。店内は明るく現代風。この日は4人でコース料理を注文。品のあるお肉を私は全て塩で頂きました。 (Translated by Google) Yo...最近の焼肉屋さんは煙たくないですよね。ココも最近改装したので勿論煙たくないです。店内は明るく現代風。この日は4人でコース料理を注文。品のあるお肉を私は全て塩で頂きました。
(Translated by Google)
You don't want to smoke at Yakiniku restaurants these days. This place has also been recently renovated, so of course I don't want to smoke. The interior of the store is bright and modern. On this day, four of us ordered a course meal. I received all the quality meat with salt. -
荒木達彦ディナーはコース前提の店なのだろう。 気付けず単品で注文したのだが、ハラミ、ロースなどは一皿2000円前後で4切れ。 これで家族をお腹一杯にするには、、、なかなかマネーが掛かりますね。 ホルモン等は処理が...ディナーはコース前提の店なのだろう。
(Translated by Google)
I guess it's a restaurant where dinner is a course meal.
I didn't notice it and ordered it separately, but each plate of skirt steak, loin, etc. costs around 2,000 yen, which is 4 pieces.
It takes a lot of money to feed your family with this food.
It was very delicious, perhaps because the hormones were processed well. -
ピーマン高級焼き肉屋さん モーニングスタート リニューアル移転オープン まず伝えたいのは この銀の扉 これはロールプレイングゲームで いうところの 貴重な宝箱が眠るダンジョンに 入っていくときに出てくるもの 勇気...高級焼き肉屋さん
(Translated by Google)
High-class yakiniku restaurant
morning start
Renewal and relocation open
The first thing I want to tell you is
this silver door
this is a role playing game
So to speak
In a dungeon where a valuable treasure chest lies
What comes out when you go in
Muster up the courage to enter...
There are 4 basic morning types
①Egg sandwich
②Chili toast
③100% beef tongue hamburger sandwich
④New specialty shoe dog
The basics are today's morning.
In response to your request
It will create a morning of this choice
And since this is a small morning
It will be half size
Why is it 100%?
I guess I'm attracted to it
100% fruit juice or 100% beef tongue
This time, this beef tongue sandwich
It's a shape you make yourself.
And this little hamburger
Although it is small, its destructive power is outstanding.
I don't hate it
Well, a precious treasure chest
until I find everything
I'm going to do a little exploring 😂
There's cheese 🧀 in the chili toast
He's small but he does a lot of work. -
犬バカりーこ日曜日のランチタイムに利用。 移転していてびっくり! 高評価なところは、 駐車場が超大きくなっていた 店内の雰囲気は以前より格段に良い 男性用トイレが広くなっていた 日曜日なのにランチがある お肉の味も変...日曜日のランチタイムに利用。
(Translated by Google)
Used for Sunday lunchtime.
I was surprised to see that they had moved!
Highly rated areas are
The parking lot was huge
The atmosphere inside the store is much better than before.
The men's restroom was larger.
There's lunch even though it's Sunday.
The taste of the meat is still really delicious.
Where it is poorly rated,
At lunch time, you can only eat the lunch menu.
staff are not trained
It's slow to carry alcohol
The machine that grills the meat has changed and I can no longer enjoy it slowly.
I'm currently giving it 3 stars with hopes that the number of stars will increase. I'll visit you again. -
T Hランチで6畳を頂きました。料理は良かったですが、提供が遅いです。スタッフによる料理の説明も。。。紙にお肉の名前を示してくれた方が良いです。 (Translated by Google) I had 6 tatami mats for lunch. The ...ランチで6畳を頂きました。料理は良かったですが、提供が遅いです。スタッフによる料理の説明も。。。紙にお肉の名前を示してくれた方が良いです。
(Translated by Google)
I had 6 tatami mats for lunch. The food was good, but the offer is slow. Explanation of cooking by the staff. . . It is better to show the name of the meat on the paper. -
0406 Wakasaki移転後にランチで利用。家族で1畳、2畳、3畳それぞれをオーダーしました。色んな種類が盛り合わさって美味しく頂きました。特に3畳の希少部位や赤身肉は霜降りで質も良いし、サラダやデザート、ご飯おかわりでき...移転後にランチで利用。家族で1畳、2畳、3畳それぞれをオーダーしました。色んな種類が盛り合わさって美味しく頂きました。特に3畳の希少部位や赤身肉は霜降りで質も良いし、サラダやデザート、ご飯おかわりできてお値打ち価格。接客も丁寧で良かったです。
(Translated by Google)
Used for lunch after moving. My family ordered 1 tatami, 2 tatami, and 3 tatami. It was delicious with a variety of different types. In particular, the rare cuts and red meat on the 3-tatami mat are well-marbled and of good quality, and you can get salads, desserts, and rice at a reasonable price. The customer service was also polite and good.
However, on Sunday lunch, the restaurant was packed, but there were fewer employees, so additional orders were postponed.
I wonder if it would be okay to call each table separately.
Well, it's just opened so I guess it can't be helped... -
友幸古瀬1〜2ヶ月に一度、とても好きで利用させてもらってましたが今回の移店によっての品質の低下がとても残念です。 お店の雰囲気、料理の提供時間、接客品質、オープンして間もないので仕方のない部分もあると思います...1〜2ヶ月に一度、とても好きで利用させてもらってましたが今回の移店によっての品質の低下がとても残念です。
(Translated by Google)
I used to love it and use it once every 1-2 months, but I'm very disappointed that the quality has deteriorated due to the recent move.
I think there are some things that can't be helped about the atmosphere of the restaurant, the time the food is served, the quality of customer service, since it's only been open for a while, but if you ask me if I'll continue to use it as before,...
Visited for the first time in a while
It's not good at all
The quality of the food is a little worse than before the move.
Food service speed, order, worst.
20 minutes of nothing coming
Even the rice was served 50 minutes after ordering after being asked twice.
I'm hungry
It feels like important time with family is also a scene.
I want to spend my precious time comfortably
I choose to eat out and choose a restaurant.
I understand that there is a shortage of manpower, but I would like you to take responsibility for the valuable time of those who come here and improve the service. -
Kくん久しぶりに会う友達に連れて行ってもらいました!🥰2500円のランチ!!とても綺麗でおいしかったです! めちゃオシャレで席は満席でした🙂 また行きたいです🥹 (Translated by Google) I took a friend I hadn't se...久しぶりに会う友達に連れて行ってもらいました!🥰2500円のランチ!!とても綺麗でおいしかったです!
(Translated by Google)
I took a friend I hadn't seen in a while to take me there! 🥰2500 yen lunch! ! It was so beautiful and delicious!
It was very stylish and the seats were full 🙂
I want to go again 🥹 -
Rururu :おいしそう (Translated by Google) Looks deliciousおいしそう
(Translated by Google)
Looks delicious -
さぶちゃん値段に見合った接客は期待出来ない。 ・料理の説明が出来ないし提供時にもされない。複数あるつけダレの説明ももちろんない。 ・味噌 or 塩の確認をせずに味噌を出してくる ・めちゃ暑い ・払ってからお釣りを受...値段に見合った接客は期待出来ない。
・味噌 or 塩の確認をせずに味噌を出してくる
(Translated by Google)
You can't expect customer service commensurate with the price.
・They cannot explain the dishes, nor do they do so when they are served. Of course, there is no explanation for the multiple dipping sauces.
・They serve miso without checking whether it is miso or salt.
・It's very hot
・For some reason, in between paying and receiving change, I started doing other tasks and had to wait for more than 5 minutes until I received the change.
・They don't take out my shoes when I leave, which I put away without permission.
・Dry towels come out from under the seat.
Recommended for people who want to eat without worrying about customer service. I will never go again. -
まこさん11:30オープンの店、着いたのは11:00頃、たまたま出てきた、ものすごく無愛想な女性店員に名前書いて順番を待つ感じか聞くと、不機嫌そうに11:30オープンだからお待ち下さい。と…ムカついたけど大人しく待つこと...11:30オープンの店、着いたのは11:00頃、たまたま出てきた、ものすごく無愛想な女性店員に名前書いて順番を待つ感じか聞くと、不機嫌そうに11:30オープンだからお待ち下さい。と…ムカついたけど大人しく待つことに…時間になり店内へ…似合いもしんのに少し洒落けづいた感じの店長ぽい人が本日は予約でいっぱいですと…は⁉️待ってろって言うから待ってたんだけど‼️なんで始めに、予約でいっぱいって言わないの?店長は平謝り…その横で不機嫌そうに、なにこの客って感じの、まったく悪びれもしない女性店員達… 日曜の30分を無駄にし、かなり不愉快な思いをしました。店員の教育が、こんな低レベルの店…もし普通に食べてたとしても味もたいしたこともなく、当然接客は最低だろうと思います。二度と行かないし、知り合いには絶対行かない方がいい店だと広く宣伝しておきます。
(Translated by Google)
The store opened at 11:30, and I arrived at around 11:00.A very unfriendly female clerk who happened to come out wrote her name and asked her if she wanted to wait for her turn.She answered grumpily that the store opens at 11:30, so please wait. I was annoyed, but I decided to wait patiently.When the time came, I went into the store.The manager-like person, who looked good but looked a little unfashionable, told me that today was full of reservations...Huh? He asked me to wait, so I waited. But!! ️Why don't you say at the beginning that it's fully booked? The store manager just apologized...and next to him were the female employees who were in a bad mood and looked like they were customers...I wasted 30 minutes on a Sunday and felt quite unpleasant. In a restaurant where the staff's training is at such a low level...even if I were to eat normally, the taste would not be that great, and of course the customer service would be the worst. I will never go there again, and I will spread the word to everyone I know that it is a store that they should never go to. -
BPM 128お肉とサイドメニューは美味しいです。 配膳スピードが流石に遅過ぎます。 お肉の量が30代の私には丁度いい量でしたが20代の若い男性の方なんかは満足出来ないかも。コスパ✖️ 酒類のグラスも流石に小さすぎて、、...お肉とサイドメニューは美味しいです。
(Translated by Google)
The meat and side dishes are delicious.
Serving speed is extremely slow.
The amount of meat was just the right amount for me, a man in my 30s, but a young man in his 20s might not be satisfied. Cost performance✖️
The alcohol glasses were also way too small, so I guess that's what they're supposed to be like.
If draft beer is that size (250mm?), it won't be an option when you want to drink it.
I don't have repeat orders because I know of a better restaurant in every way. -
ちょんたん遠赤外線でゆっくり丁寧に焼く拘り和牛のお店。基本2時間制でランチは11:30~と13:30、値段はセットで2,100円~。平日でも予約しないと厳しいみたい。 席のロースターは煙無縁。遠赤外線なので焼野菜も凄く美味...遠赤外線でゆっくり丁寧に焼く拘り和牛のお店。基本2時間制でランチは11:30~と13:30、値段はセットで2,100円~。平日でも予約しないと厳しいみたい。
(Translated by Google)
A restaurant that specializes in wagyu beef that is slowly and carefully grilled using far infrared rays. The standard 2-hour service is lunch from 11:30 and 13:30, with set prices starting at 2,100 yen. Apparently it's difficult to make a reservation even on weekdays.
There is no smoke in the roaster seat. Since it uses far infrared rays, grilled vegetables can be grilled very deliciously. On the other hand, if you like charcoal grilling for a short time and the aroma of smoke and charcoal, the yakiniku may be too elegant.
The salad that comes with the set is delicious, and you can get free refills of the rice and red soup stock. Lunch is high cost performance♪ -
おくさな店員の態度が悪すぎ 全く愛想がない ランチで行ったが食後にデザートがあることの説明もない為、帰りそうになった お洒落で肉は美味しい (Translated by Google) The staff's attitude is too bad Not friendly ...店員の態度が悪すぎ
(Translated by Google)
The staff's attitude is too bad
Not friendly at all
I went there for lunch, but there was no explanation that there would be dessert after the meal, so I almost left.
Stylish and delicious meat -
kanako kobayashi3900円ぐらいのコースをお願いしました。 サラダ(かなり美味しい)、キムチ(長芋がおいしすぎた)、梅の冷麺(あっさりでまるで飲み物)、ピスタチオのアイス(これはヤバし!)。 あとはお肉。コースにすると...3900円ぐらいのコースをお願いしました。
(Translated by Google)
I ordered a course for around 3900 yen.
Salad (quite delicious), Kimchi (Japanese yam was so delicious), Plum Cold Noodles (light and tastes like a drink), Pistachio Ice Cream (this is crazy!).
The rest is meat. It's great to have a course so you can have one of each of the different meats.
As I get older, I find myself craving good meat, so I can enjoy it little by little.
All the staff members are very nice and the store is very comfortable.
I went there for lunch before, and it was great to be able to enjoy Yakiniku at a reasonable price.
When I went there in July 2022, the location had changed! ! !
The neighbor that used to be a man cafe? It has moved to a new store, and the entrance to the parking lot has been turned into a back street.
I was surprised to see that it was dark from the front so it wasn't open, so I went straight to the back and found there was a parking lot.
I wish they would have told me something when I made the reservation over the phone. -
かわじ〜にょ費用対効果最高 (Translated by Google) Most cost-effective費用対効果最高
(Translated by Google)
Most cost-effective -
シンランチで依らせてもいました。 (Translated by Google) I even had them come for lunch.ランチで依らせてもいました。
(Translated by Google)
I even had them come for lunch. -
Koki Terazawa日進市竹の山にある高級焼肉店です。 お値段はそこそこ張りますが、美味しいお肉が食べられます。 ディナーの高い方のコースを頂きましたが、大人の男性でかなりお腹いっぱいになります。 〆のご飯か麺を選べま...日進市竹の山にある高級焼肉店です。
(Translated by Google)
This is a high-class yakiniku restaurant located in Takenoyama, Nisshin City.
The price is a bit high, but you can eat delicious meat.
I had the more expensive dinner course, but it was quite filling for an adult man.
You can choose rice or noodles to finish your meal, but the portions are quite large. -
muuu muuu記念日ランチで伺いました。 店内は綺麗で、お肉もとても美味しいです。煙が上がらないのが、会話するときにも邪魔になりませんでした。 コースが何種類か選べますので、それぞれにあった楽しみ方ができるかと😁 ...記念日ランチで伺いました。
(Translated by Google)
I visited for our anniversary lunch.
The inside of the store is clean and the meat is very delicious. The fact that it doesn't emit smoke doesn't get in the way when you have a conversation.
There are several types of courses to choose from, so you can enjoy it in a way that suits each one😁
Dessert was also delicious ✨
I would like to come again!
I had coffee from the sister restaurant after the meal, and it was also delicious. It has little bitterness and is easy to drink. -
noriko K.
三輪雅子美味しいお肉を提供されてます (Translated by Google) Delicious meat is served美味しいお肉を提供されてます
(Translated by Google)
Delicious meat is served -
ヤマダミランチでよく利用させてもらってます。 サラダ、ご飯、味噌汁、お肉でご飯と味噌汁はお代わり出来るので いいお肉をゆっくり頂いたいときにはオススメですよ。 お店が新しく移転されて、広々としたお店になりまし...ランチでよく利用させてもらってます。
サラダ、ご飯、味噌汁、お肉でご飯と味噌汁はお代わり出来るので いいお肉をゆっくり頂いたいときにはオススメですよ。
(Translated by Google)
I often use it for lunch.
You can replace the rice and miso soup with salad, rice, miso soup, and meat, so it's recommended when you want to enjoy delicious meat slowly.
The store has been moved to a new location and is now more spacious.
Parking has become easier,
Please be careful as you can only enter by car from the back street. -
ブーランジェリー落ち着いた空間で女子会を満喫させて頂きました。一皿ずつ丁寧に部位やオススメの食べ方など説明して下さりました。 前菜、メイン、デザートまでどれも 美味しくて大満足です (Translated by Google) We enjoyed...落ち着いた空間で女子会を満喫させて頂きました。一皿ずつ丁寧に部位やオススメの食べ方など説明して下さりました。
(Translated by Google)
We enjoyed a girls' night out in a calm space. For each dish, he carefully explained the parts and recommended ways to eat them.
Everything from appetizers to main dishes to desserts
It's delicious and very satisfying -
pin panmanランチのコスパはとても良い 夜は、お肉のクオリティは良いがサービスが価格に見合ってない (Translated by Google) Lunch cost performance is very good At night, the quality of the meat is good, but the ...ランチのコスパはとても良い
(Translated by Google)
Lunch cost performance is very good
At night, the quality of the meat is good, but the service is not worth the price. -
Kaz Katoh高級なお肉をヘルシーに焼けるお店です。炭火焼きではないので煙もあがらずキレイに焼けました。粗塩で食べるのが一番美味しく頂けました。 (Translated by Google) This is a restaurant where you can grill h...高級なお肉をヘルシーに焼けるお店です。炭火焼きではないので煙もあがらずキレイに焼けました。粗塩で食べるのが一番美味しく頂けました。
(Translated by Google)
This is a restaurant where you can grill high-quality meat in a healthy way. Since it was not charcoal-grilled, it was grilled beautifully without any smoke. It tasted best when eaten with coarse salt. -
勝川泰志服が油でベタベタになり最悪の状態になりました。 ランチのお得感もメニューが変わりなくなりたぶんもうリピートはなしです。 (Translated by Google) My clothes became sticky with oil and became in the wor...服が油でベタベタになり最悪の状態になりました。
(Translated by Google)
My clothes became sticky with oil and became in the worst condition.
The lunch menu is no longer changing, so I probably won't come back again. -
伊藤憲孝長久手エリアで最高峰の焼肉店。 美味です。まずは一人5000円~のコースで。 (Translated by Google) The best yakiniku restaurant in the Nagakute area. It's delicious. First of all, we have a course s...長久手エリアで最高峰の焼肉店。
(Translated by Google)
The best yakiniku restaurant in the Nagakute area.
It's delicious. First of all, we have a course starting from 5000 yen per person. -
しんいち美味しかった! 記念日使いで予約し、ランチの椿2980円と桜2850円を大人2人で利用させて頂きました。久しぶりに夫婦2人で過ごせる時間は特別でした。 無料の冷茶は無料のクオリティーではなく、レモングラス...美味しかった!
(Translated by Google)
It was delicious!
I made a reservation for an anniversary, and the lunch menu was 2,980 yen for Tsubaki and 2,850 yen for two adults. It was special to be able to spend time with my husband and wife for the first time in a while.
The free cold tea was not of the free quality, but it was hot with lemongrass in it, so it was very tasty.
There was a salad, an appetizer, a main, and a dessert.
Refills on rice and miso soup are free.
The whole trip took less than 90 minutes.
The salad is crispy with balsamic vinegar (?). It was delicious.
The appetizer platter includes hearts and sausages eaten with salt. I feel like I take my time and eat small portions gratefully, and if I had children, I would have been annoyed when they asked me, "Not yet? Not yet?"
The main items are rare parts.
Meat is delicious.
I felt that again.
Dessert is almond tofu. The jelly on top is rooibos tea. I'm satisfied with my favorite thick milky type.
The other one was an ice cream brûlée for an additional 150 yen. I'm very particular about creme brûlée, and I like the caramel to melt as soon as I put it in my mouth. I don't like things that are too thick or too thin that stay in my mouth forever, but this one is just right. It's ice cream, so it's quite cold at first, but it gradually melts and becomes half-cooked. I might prefer it melted.
By the way, the toilets are separated for men and women and were clean. There was no washlet.
Personally, I feel that the better the stores are, the more they pay attention to the restrooms.
How about next time? I don't repeat it often, but everyone should try it at least once.
Lastly, all the store staff were very polite. Most of the women were blonde, but they all looked classy.
thank you very much. -
るお肉の美味しい上品な焼肉店 美味しいお肉を少しずつ楽しみたい時に利用したいお店です。 お席は広くはないですが、仕切られている御座敷で過ごしやすいです、店前の駐車場が狭いので臨時駐車場への行き方がわか...お肉の美味しい上品な焼肉店
(Translated by Google)
An elegant yakiniku restaurant with delicious meat
This is the restaurant you want to visit when you want to enjoy delicious meat little by little.
Although the seats are not large, it is comfortable to spend time in the partitioned tatami room.The parking lot in front of the store is narrow, so please be careful as it may be difficult to know how to get to the temporary parking lot.
There are counter seats, so maybe you can go eat alone? I would like to take on the challenge.
It doesn't have a smoky taste at all, so even those who don't like smoky yakiniku will find it easy to enjoy. -
Sakランチでお邪魔しました!予約いっぱいの人気店!ランチはコースとなり数種類から選べます。名東区にある有名焼肉店と比較してもこちらは価格安くて十分に満足できます! ぜひ、お塩で肉を堪能してください、、、...ランチでお邪魔しました!予約いっぱいの人気店!ランチはコースとなり数種類から選べます。名東区にある有名焼肉店と比較してもこちらは価格安くて十分に満足できます!
(Translated by Google)
I visited you for lunch! A popular restaurant that is fully booked! Lunch is a course meal with several options to choose from. Compared to famous Yakiniku restaurants in Meito Ward, this one is cheaper and more satisfying!
Please enjoy the meat with salt!
You can feel the restaurant's commitment to meat!
The meat was so sweet, tender, and juicy that I ended up eating four bowls of rice with this course!
It may be difficult to park in the parking lot, so please do not force yourself to park in the second parking lot. There is a guide on the store's homepage! -
tomoko maruyama
Seiji Ogi
giraf3ouioui3度ほど食事に訪れたが常に混んでいて人気店でだと思う。そのうち2度は鉄板の不具合があり折角の焼肉なのに残念に感じた。 コロナ禍で感染症対策はされているが、肉を調理する店長がマスクをしっかりとせず、マイ...3度ほど食事に訪れたが常に混んでいて人気店でだと思う。そのうち2度は鉄板の不具合があり折角の焼肉なのに残念に感じた。
(Translated by Google)
I've been here to eat about 3 times and it's always crowded so I think it's a popular restaurant. Twice out of those times, there was a problem with the iron plate, which was a shame even though the yakiniku was made after a lot of effort.
Although measures have been taken to prevent infectious diseases during the coronavirus pandemic, the store manager who prepares the meat does not wear a mask properly, giving a negative impression.
The important thing is that the quality of the meat is good and the taste is delicious, but the service is disappointing.
Please write harsh comments in the hope that they will be improved. -
伊藤翔子ランチツーで竹の山ダイニング手石さんへ😁 前日予約して行ったのに日にち間違えれ、外で待たされ、店員さんもご飯大盛でと伝えたのに普通盛りで持ってきて、あれって言ったらご飯お代わりできますよと💨 大盛でっ...ランチツーで竹の山ダイニング手石さんへ😁
(Translated by Google)
Lunch to Takenoyama Dining Teishi 😁
I made a reservation the day before, but the date was wrong, I had to wait outside, and even though I asked for a large serving of rice, the staff brought me a regular serving, and when I said that, they said they could refill the rice.
Let me know when I tell you it's going to be a large serving😂 -
(Translated by Google)
I visited for lunch. You can grill each piece at your own pace, and the meat is delicious and very satisfying. This time I made a reservation, so I was able to get in smoothly, but I might not be able to get in without a reservation during peak hours. The parking space was small and the location of the second parking lot was a little difficult to find, so I deducted a few points. -
feb eeいろいろなお祝いも重なり、 かみさんが何度もリピートしている、 日進竹の山にある、こちらの手石さんへ、 予約して行ってきました。 ていしではなく、ひといしさんと読むみたいですね。 お店の前の駐車場に停め...いろいろなお祝いも重なり、
・希少部位 シンシン
(Translated by Google)
Various celebrations overlap,
Kami-san repeats it over and over again,
To this Teishi-san in Nisshin Takenoyama,
I made a reservation and went.
It seems to be read as Hitoishi-san rather than Teishi.
Park in the parking lot in front of the store and enter the store.
There are counter seats, and the store is very clean.
Since we had made a reservation for 4 people, we were shown to a private room.
The restaurant was almost full, so I'm glad I made a reservation.
The lunch menu is
First came the salad,
The red rice soup has arrived.
You can get unlimited refills of rice and red soup.
I'm so happy.
I will do each one once.
The first dish has been decided
・Forest Bird Sesseri (Okayama)
・Shurei Pork Rose (Aichi)
・Special beef tongue sausage
・Top heart
has appeared for the number of people.
Served with rock salt, they are all delicious.
I especially liked the heart.
The second dish is
We could choose from various types of meat.
Prices also vary depending on the type you choose.
I chose a plate called Kura.
・Top lever
・Wagyu beef lean meat
・Rare part Shinshin
I had it with sauce and wasabi,
All of them are meaty and delicious.
The rare part of shin shin was the best.
Lastly, rooibos tea jelly and blueberries.
Almond tofu on top.
It turned out to be a very satisfying lunch yakiniku.
I understand why Kami-san keeps repeating.
I would like you to take me again.
Thanks for the meal. -
岡本美香お店も清潔感有りスタッフさんも丁寧な対応で大満足でした。LUNCHの単品がもう少し多いと嬉しいですがリピ有りです。 (Translated by Google) I was very satisfied with the cleanliness of the store and the ...お店も清潔感有りスタッフさんも丁寧な対応で大満足でした。LUNCHの単品がもう少し多いと嬉しいですがリピ有りです。
(Translated by Google)
I was very satisfied with the cleanliness of the store and the politeness of the staff. I would be happy if LUNCH had more single items, but I have repeat orders. -
kirakiralife.t日進市にある人気店 『竹の山ダイニング手石』さん〜✨ . 人気店とあってお昼のランチは 満席だったー‼︎ 予約して行ってよかった😊 . 焼肉屋さんと思えないくらい 煙もない綺麗な店内! . コンロがまさに違...日進市にある人気店
(Translated by Google)
Popular store in Nisshin City
“Takenoyama Dining Teishi” ~✨
As it is a popular restaurant, lunch is served at
It was full!! ︎
I’m glad I made a reservation 😊
It's hard to believe it's a Yakiniku restaurant.
A clean store with no smoke!
Looks like the stove is completely different!
Even if you grill the same meat, it brings out the flavor.
It looks amazing!
Meat is a small part of the body part.
As explained, it's delicious
I didn't understand lol
2550 yen
◆First dish
⭐︎Forest Wakadori Seseri (from Okayama)
⭐︎Beautiful pork belly (from Aichi)
⭐︎Special beef tongue sausage
⭐︎Fresh top
◆2nd dish
rare parts
⭐︎Rib cap
(3 types)
★Rice, red soup and free refills
★Comes with salad and dessert
★Today's tea
No words needed! In one word, delicious!
Meat like that!
There is no doubt that rare parts are delicious.
The top is juicy and delicious ❤️
This price comes with all this
The cost performance is too good!
I know it's popular 😊
This is my favorite restaurant, so when I want to eat meat,
I'm coming 😊
I want to come this evening 😊 -
トシヤブルーランチは味噌汁ご飯食べ放題でお肉もソーセージも全て美味しかった (Translated by Google) For lunch, we had all-you-can-eat miso soup and rice, and the meat and sausage were all delicious.ランチは味噌汁ご飯食べ放題でお肉もソーセージも全て美味しかった
(Translated by Google)
For lunch, we had all-you-can-eat miso soup and rice, and the meat and sausage were all delicious. -
まるとても美味しい。 予約を取るのは大変ですが、何を食べても美味しいです。お酒も豊富だし、お肉にもこだわっているのに金額的にも良心的でとても良いお店だと思います。 ただなんせ予約が取りずらい...。 (Trans...とても美味しい。
(Translated by Google)
Very delicious.
It's difficult to make a reservation, but whatever you eat is delicious. I think it's a very good restaurant, with a wide selection of alcoholic beverages and a particular focus on meat, but with reasonable prices.
However, it is difficult to make a reservation... -
Nanako Higuchi日進エリアのオシャ焼肉屋さん。 焼き方にこだわりをお持ちのようで、蒸気で(?)(だったかな?)あたためてお肉を焼くのだとか。網があまり汚くならないのがとても有難いです。 キムチ系はあまり辛くないです。ビビ...日進エリアのオシャ焼肉屋さん。
キムチ系はあまり辛くないです。ビビンバはコチュジャンがないそうなので、店員さんに伝えてラー油のようなタレをいただきました(笑)(もしかしたらお店からしたら邪道だったかな、、!?) でも、あのタレで食べるの美味しかったです(笑)タレやコチュジャンなどの調味料を元々持ってきてもらえるといいなあと思いました。
(Translated by Google)
A stylish yakiniku restaurant in the Nisshin area.
He seems to be very particular about the way he grills his meat, heating it with (?) (or maybe?) steam. I'm very grateful that the net doesn't get too dirty.
Kimchi is not very spicy. It seems that the bibimbap doesn't have gochujang, so I told the staff and got a sauce like chili oil (lol) (Maybe it was a bad idea from the store's point of view...!?) But it was delicious to eat with that sauce. (laughs) I thought it would be nice if they brought their own seasonings like sauce and gochujang.
My clothes didn't smell as bad as at a regular yakiniku restaurant, and I felt calmer overall. -
Corgi Rin
山城ランチ帯で料理は美味しかったですがそれ以上に接客がひどい。1品目が出てからかなりの時間何も提供されず時間を持て余しました。 ごはん・味噌汁すら出てこず2度催促しても待つ次第。持ってきたときにも詫びる様...ランチ帯で料理は美味しかったですがそれ以上に接客がひどい。1品目が出てからかなりの時間何も提供されず時間を持て余しました。
(Translated by Google)
It was lunch time and the food was delicious, but the customer service was even worse. After the first item was released, nothing was served for quite some time, so we had a lot of time to spare.
Even the rice and miso soup didn't come out, and even after I asked twice, I had to wait. He didn't even seem to apologize when I brought it to him.
Even so, I can't help but think that they are belittling the customers by telling them to leave by the designated time. -
yuri go2000円で豪華焼肉ランチ食べれます♪ 口のなかでとろけるお肉も ありました(笑) ご飯赤だしはおかわりできます♪ 店の雰囲気も明るくて いい感じでしたよ (Translated by Google) You can have a luxurious yakini...2000円で豪華焼肉ランチ食べれます♪
(Translated by Google)
You can have a luxurious yakiniku lunch for 2000 yen♪
Meat that melts in your mouth
There was (lol)
You can get a second helping of the rice soup stock♪
The atmosphere of the store is bright.
It felt good -
こはるずっと前から行きたかったお店 日進の竹の山にある 焼肉屋さん 手石 ヒトイシと読みます!笑 ランチはお値打ち✨ 予約で満席の人気店!! 前に予約なしで突撃してフラれました 予約は必須か、13時半〜2回...ずっと前から行きたかったお店
日進の竹の山にある 焼肉屋さん
手石 ヒトイシと読みます!笑
まずは緑茶が ピッチャーで出てくるのが嬉しい
まずは 1皿目塩物が出てきます
2皿目は 自分のセレクトしたタレ物が
私達は全員 源を
清潔感あって お肉の質も良くて!
周りには オシャレなカフェがたくさん☕️✨
ここでランチして スイーツ行っちゃったら
でも、たまにの贅沢になら いーよね!笑
(Translated by Google)
A store I've wanted to go to for a long time
Yakiniku restaurant in Takenoyama, Nisshin
Teishi is pronounced Hitoishi! lol
Lunch is a good value ✨
A popular restaurant that is fully booked! !
I stormed in without a reservation before and got dumped.
Reservations are essential, or aim for the second rotation from 1:30 p.m.! !
First of all, I'm glad that the green tea comes in a pitcher.
The salad is fresh and the dressing is delicious.
First of all, the first plate comes with salted fish.
The beef tongue sausage was so delicious that I wanted to try it as well!
The second dish has the sauce of your choice.
We all have a source
I want to eat tongue and lean meat.
The red meat of the day was the thigh and the forelegs.
Both were delicious
Almost all the girls in the store!
It was clean and the quality of the meat was good!
It was no surprise that the restaurant was full.
I would like to try steak too, if I have a chance next time,
I want to eat a special course.
It also comes with dessert,
Then I wonder if I can go to the second one? ? ? lol lol
Nisshin bamboo mountain
There are many stylish cafes around ☕️✨
I had lunch here and went to the sweets.
Quite a lot of calories
But if it's an occasional luxury, it's fine! lol -
Kiyoemon 55こんな美味しい焼肉食べたことないって言うほど美味しかったです😍岩塩でお肉食べるとあっさりしてていくらでも食べられます。肉の種類によってコース値段は違いますが、税込2035円で味噌汁ご飯おかわり自由でサラ...こんな美味しい焼肉食べたことないって言うほど美味しかったです😍岩塩でお肉食べるとあっさりしてていくらでも食べられます。肉の種類によってコース値段は違いますが、税込2035円で味噌汁ご飯おかわり自由でサラダ、デザートもついてだったので非常にお値打ち感あります。絶対にまた来店したいと思えるお店でした。非常に人気が あるので必ず予約した方がいいと思います。
(Translated by Google)
It was so delicious that I had never eaten such delicious yakiniku.😍When you eat the meat with rock salt, it is light and you can eat as much as you want. The course price varies depending on the type of meat, but it's 2,035 yen including tax, and it comes with miso soup, rice, free refills, salad, and dessert, so it's a great value. It was a store that I would definitely want to visit again. It's very popular, so you should definitely make a reservation. -
o t色々選べて雰囲気もよかったです!お肉も美味しいのでおすすめ! 昼時は混むので予約してないとなかなか入れないので注意が必要です。 (Translated by Google) There was a lot to choose from and the atmosph...色々選べて雰囲気もよかったです!お肉も美味しいのでおすすめ!
(Translated by Google)
There was a lot to choose from and the atmosphere was great! The meat is delicious too, so I recommend it!
Please note that it gets crowded at lunchtime, so if you don't make a reservation, you won't be able to get in. -
Koh Nagai
武宏拘りの塊のようなお店 肉の質と割安な値段は他店では不可能かと思われます。 (Translated by Google) A shop with a lot of attention to detail The quality of the meat and the reasonable price cannot be f...拘りの塊のようなお店
(Translated by Google)
A shop with a lot of attention to detail
The quality of the meat and the reasonable price cannot be found at other restaurants. -
ああ従業員の教育がなってない。落としたデザートのトッピングを再びのせて提供しようとしていた。 (Translated by Google) Employees are not properly trained. I was about to put the dropped dessert toppings ...従業員の教育がなってない。落としたデザートのトッピングを再びのせて提供しようとしていた。
(Translated by Google)
Employees are not properly trained. I was about to put the dropped dessert toppings back on and serve it. -
Misao Yamadaとても美味しくランチを頂きました。 ご飯、お味噌汁がおかわり自由。 お水の代わりにとってもおいしい冷たい緑茶。 お肉の質もとてもよく、内容も量も充実です。 (Translated by Google) We had a very delicio...とても美味しくランチを頂きました。
(Translated by Google)
We had a very delicious lunch.
Free refills of rice and miso soup.
A delicious cold green tea instead of water.
The quality of the meat is very good, and the contents and quantity are substantial. -
サクラケナリいつ訪問しても満席。 満席は仕方ないけれど、スタッフが断る姿勢が残念。 せっかく来てくださったのに申し訳ない、の気持ちはないのかな? いくら料理が良くても、2度と行かない、という気持ちになってしまう。😤...いつ訪問しても満席。
(Translated by Google)
It's always full no matter when I visit.
It can't be helped that the seats are full, but it's disappointing that the staff refuses.
Don't you feel sorry for taking the trouble to come?
No matter how good the food is, I end up feeling like I'll never go there again. 😤
I wonder if the staff is the problem. -
かなっこvv料理に関してはおいしかったので文句は言いませんが、メニューと接客でマイナスです。 わかりにくいメニューを置いていても無駄ですよね、聞いても不愉快な接客をされるだけですし。 (Translated by Google) As ...料理に関してはおいしかったので文句は言いませんが、メニューと接客でマイナスです。
(Translated by Google)
As for the food, it was delicious, so I can't complain, but the menu and customer service are negative.
There's no point in having a menu that's hard to understand, because even if you ask, you'll only get unpleasant customer service. -
トキ美味しくて安い!店員さんも気さくで良い人ばかりでした! (Translated by Google) Delicious and cheap! The store staff were also friendly and nice!美味しくて安い!店員さんも気さくで良い人ばかりでした!
(Translated by Google)
Delicious and cheap! The store staff were also friendly and nice! -
Moko Maimai
kkg Jお昼1番はどんなに早く電話してもいつも満席と言われます。そしていつも13時半は空いてます。 ボリュームもあって、ランチコースの種類もたくさんあって、お気に入りです! 店員さんは決して愛想は良くないですが...お昼1番はどんなに早く電話してもいつも満席と言われます。そしていつも13時半は空いてます。
(Translated by Google)
No matter how early I call for lunch, I am always told that the place is full. And it's always empty by 1:30pm.
It's my favorite because it's voluminous and there are many kinds of lunch courses!
The store clerk is not at all friendly, but
There is no problem as they explain each piece of meat carefully.
The store staff is expressionless, so I think the atmosphere of the store would be better if they could smile a little more. ?
The staff's casual customer service is immediately noticeable to customers as soon as they enter the store. -
Koichi Oyama
(Translated by Google)
If you want to eat good meat, please come here❗The problem is that there are not many seats available (>_<) -
佐藤文春竹の山ダイニング手石でランチ 手石はひといしって読みます😅 手石焼肉御膳 王 コースを集約した御膳! 和牛赤身 霜降 セセリ豚バラ ホルモン 旨〜い😋👍 (Translated by Google) Lunch at Takenoyama Dining Teis...竹の山ダイニング手石でランチ
手石焼肉御膳 王
(Translated by Google)
Lunch at Takenoyama Dining Teishi
I read Teishi one by one 😅
Teishi Yakiniku Gozen King
A set meal that combines all the courses!
Wagyu lean meat
Seseri pork belly
Delicious😋👍 -
a y夜に伺いました。お店側が選んで出すコースでした。赤身のお肉は柔らかく美味しかったです。 お値段するお店ですし、焼肉屋さんの割に年配の方が多いイメージでした。上品な焼肉屋さんです。(実際、年配の方と伺...夜に伺いました。お店側が選んで出すコースでした。赤身のお肉は柔らかく美味しかったです。
(Translated by Google)
I visited at night. It was a course chosen by the restaurant. The red meat was tender and delicious.
It's an expensive restaurant, and considering it's a Yakiniku restaurant, I had the impression that there were a lot of older people. This is an elegant Yakiniku restaurant. (Actually, I heard from an elderly person)
Unfortunately, the menu was very difficult to understand.
It's a course, so it's good to know what to bring in advance.
I asked for food, but it never came, and today's meal is curry, so I can't be flexible.
Yakiniku and curry...I asked her to at least serve me some food first, but even after I said I understood, she never came...
There are many dishes that you don't have a choice of. Some were inedible.
I wish I had at least known the menu first.It was a shame.
I thought it would be nice if there were chairs in the tatami room. It was a little difficult not being able to lean back. Isn't it especially difficult for families with children and elderly people?
The customer service is average...I don't think they have a bit of a service mentality.
I didn't leave any bad impressions, nor did I get the impression that I received friendly, smiling customer service.
Perhaps the owner is very picky and wants you to eat what he thinks is delicious! That's probably what you're thinking. (^^)
Recommended for people who like that kind of thing.
My honest opinion is that I don't think I'll go next time. -
a a
Tsuyoshi Seimoto
ka I美味しかったです。 夜お邪魔しましたが、お肉が単品で全て注文できるといいなあと感じました。 お肉を焼くところの隙間が大きいので、お肉を焼くとき落としてしまわないか心配でした😅 遠赤外線(?)で熱を通すの...美味しかったです。
(Translated by Google)
It was delicious.
I visited there tonight, but I thought it would be nice to be able to order all the meat individually.
There is a big gap in the area where the meat is grilled, so I was worried that I might drop it while grilling it.
Since it transmits heat using far infrared rays (?), I didn't have to worry about the smell of yakiniku at all.
I ordered the lean meat omakase, and all of them were delicious.
I think it was about 12,000 yen for two people.
It was a stylish space like a cafe.
The customer service was mediocre. -
きむらもとのぶ焼肉店なのにコーヒーもこだわり、 (Translated by Google) Even though it is a Yakiniku restaurant, we are particular about our coffee.焼肉店なのにコーヒーもこだわり、
(Translated by Google)
Even though it is a Yakiniku restaurant, we are particular about our coffee. -
ma yuどうもお店の方に注文をお任せするのがウリのようです。初めて訪問しましたが、メニューが結構解り辛かったです。注文に戸惑っていたら 女性の店員さんが、「こんなことも分からないんですか?」とまぁ〜バカにす...どうもお店の方に注文をお任せするのがウリのようです。初めて訪問しましたが、メニューが結構解り辛かったです。注文に戸惑っていたら 女性の店員さんが、「こんなことも分からないんですか?」とまぁ〜バカにするように半笑いで対応してくださいました。
料理に罪はありませんが 上記のこともあり美味しく感じることはできませんでした。
(Translated by Google)
It seems like the best option is to leave the ordering to the store staff. This was my first visit, and the menu was quite difficult to understand. When I was confused about my order, a female clerk responded with a half-smile and asked, ``You don't even know this?'' as if to make fun of me.
There's nothing wrong with the food, but due to the above, I didn't find it delicious.
The only thing I can praise is the clean and tidy atmosphere. -
Akira Deen希少部位等のお肉が、色々と食べさせてくれます。😚 (Translated by Google) You can eat a variety of meat such as rare parts. 😚希少部位等のお肉が、色々と食べさせてくれます。😚
(Translated by Google)
You can eat a variety of meat such as rare parts. 😚 -
デコパチお洒落な感じはとてもいいです そういう意味ではデート向きですが普段使いではタレが妙にしょっぱい 自分は結構しょっぱいのも味が濃いのも好きなのですが、それでもしょっぱいと思ったぐらいです 二人で行って二...お洒落な感じはとてもいいです
(Translated by Google)
The stylish feeling is very nice
In that sense, it's suitable for dates, but the sauce is strangely salty for everyday use.
I personally like salty and strong flavors, but I still thought it was salty.
I went there with two people and we both had the same impressions, so I don't think it's a mistake.
The quality of the meat is a bit unclear.
The impact of the sauce was so strong that I couldn't understand it.
I think it's a good restaurant for a date. -
(Translated by Google)
I love a little short ribs and lean meat, and the reviews were high, so I went there for lunch on a weekday. The atmosphere is very nice, but the quality of the meat on the lunch menu was so good that I thought it was the kind of meat you get at a cheap all-you-can-eat restaurant. I think it's a good place to go to enjoy the atmosphere, but I don't think it's a place to go to eat delicious meat. I think I'll try going there once during dinner time. I waited over 10 minutes for my after-dinner coffee, but it was worth the wait and it was delicious. -
Shohei Aoyagi肉質は最高。 (Translated by Google) The meat quality is the best.肉質は最高。
(Translated by Google)
The meat quality is the best. -
神威鴒音美味しいの一言です。絶対に リピします。 (Translated by Google) One word is delicious. I will definitely return.美味しいの一言です。絶対に リピします。
(Translated by Google)
One word is delicious. I will definitely return. -
くぅなかなか予約の取れないお店でたまたま予約が取れて行ってきました。 お肉の質も店員さんも◎ また是非行きたそんな所。 今回は【宮】【王】【殿】をオーダー٩( ᐛ )و 1枚目【王】 3.5枚目【殿】 4枚目【宮】 ...なかなか予約の取れないお店でたまたま予約が取れて行ってきました。
今回は【宮】【王】【殿】をオーダー٩( ᐛ )و
(Translated by Google)
I happened to be able to make a reservation at a restaurant that is difficult to get reservations for.
The quality of the meat and the staff are ◎
I would definitely go there again.
This time, we will order the [Palace], [King], and [Temple]٩( ᐛ )و
1st one [King]
3.5th photo [Lord]
4th photo [Miya]
However, there is quite a gap on the side of the grill, so be careful as the delicious meat will pop out!!!
(Told by someone with experience lol) -
ERIMAKI13:30に予約しましたが、入れたのは14時近かったです。味は美味しかったけど、女の店員が残念でした。 (Translated by Google) I made a reservation for 13:30, but it was almost 14:00 when I got in. The fo...13:30に予約しましたが、入れたのは14時近かったです。味は美味しかったけど、女の店員が残念でした。
(Translated by Google)
I made a reservation for 13:30, but it was almost 14:00 when I got in. The food was delicious, but the female waiter was disappointing. -
Nut KatsThe Best yakiniku around here. Kind of small but has counter seats and Tatami table seats, not smoky and fancy cafe-like atmosphere. Even the menu book is bling bling lol when I went there I think ...The Best yakiniku around here. Kind of small but has counter seats and Tatami table seats, not smoky and fancy cafe-like atmosphere. Even the menu book is bling bling lol when I went there I think they were playing guitar music.
The meat for one is usually 3 or 4 slices so you can totally go there by yourself too. The portions are small. Even the salad and side dishes are good too. The tail porridge and tail noodle was so so delicious. You must try it.
Tatar was my favorite among the meat.
They have variety of fancy drinks too.
Recommended ! -
Ayumi M
坂野剛なんでもタイミングかな🎵ここはなぜか焦げない出てくるタイミング良く肉質は言うことなし✨錫で飲む酒はたまらない。稀少部位を少量づつ頂けて、少しづつ焼く!✌️〆にテールそば頂いたが、旨かった✨ (Translated ...なんでもタイミングかな🎵ここはなぜか焦げない出てくるタイミング良く肉質は言うことなし✨錫で飲む酒はたまらない。稀少部位を少量づつ頂けて、少しづつ焼く!✌️〆にテールそば頂いたが、旨かった✨
(Translated by Google)
It's all about timing 🎵 For some reason, the meat here comes out at a good time without burning, and the quality of the meat is nothing to say ✨ Drinking sake in tin is irresistible. You can receive small portions of rare parts and grill them little by little! ✌️I had the tail soba for finishing and it was delicious✨ -
aki h期待して行きましたが、ランチの赤身肉は筋が強く噛み切れませんでした。(ちなみに私お肉好きなので筋強めでも食べれる人です)サラダはレタスが腐っていました。 その後の応対もいまいちで。。。3枚しかない赤身...期待して行きましたが、ランチの赤身肉は筋が強く噛み切れませんでした。(ちなみに私お肉好きなので筋強めでも食べれる人です)サラダはレタスが腐っていました。
(Translated by Google)
I went there with high expectations, but the red meat for lunch was so stringy that I couldn't chew it. (By the way, I like meat, so I can eat it even if it's muscular.) The lettuce in the salad was rotten.
The response after that was also not so good. . . There are only three pieces of lean meat, and two of them have streaks at the edges. They gave me replacement meat, but I wonder if it's a problem with the muscle and grade of meat again? ! The first piece was just plain red meat. -
よしこ伊藤焼肉巡りが大好きで、先日友達とランチへ伺いました。 同じメニューを頼んだのにもかかわらず友達の方が4切れ多く入っていたりで、 明らかに量が違う。 グラムとかじゃなく目で見て分かる位違う。 馬鹿にしてるん...焼肉巡りが大好きで、先日友達とランチへ伺いました。
(Translated by Google)
I love going on yakiniku tours, so I went there for lunch with a friend the other day.
Even though we ordered the same menu, my friend got 4 more slices than me.
Obviously the amounts are different.
It's not just a gram, but it's so different that you can see it with your eyes.
Are you making fun of me?
The seasoning is subtle and the cooking time is too slow.
Those sitting in the back will not be burnt.
Only one side has far infrared rays.
The price doesn't match the quality of the meat.
I'm even more surprised that they serve the wrong amount even though we're paying the same price.
The tea is also powdery.
It's a relief that there aren't many yakiniku restaurants open for lunch.
I don't think I'll go anymore. -
Takashi Ozakiランチのコストパフォーマンスが大変良い。 (Translated by Google) Very good value for money for lunch.ランチのコストパフォーマンスが大変良い。
(Translated by Google)
Very good value for money for lunch. -
(Translated by Google)
I ordered the Teishi course. The food is absolutely delicious! ! It's a great course and you can enjoy various parts of the course. Since it is baked with far infrared rays, no fire is used, so there is no smoke from the fire and it is pleasant. One disappointing thing is that the last drink of the course is usually coffee, which is automatically served and you cannot choose it. . My wife can't drink coffee, so I forced her to change it to orange juice, but since the dessert was cold, it would have been even better if she could also choose hot tea. -
みょランチで。感じの良い接客でしたが…いろんな意味で残念でした。 (Translated by Google) At lunch. The customer service was pleasant, but... it was disappointing in many ways.ランチで。感じの良い接客でしたが…いろんな意味で残念でした。
(Translated by Google)
At lunch. The customer service was pleasant, but... it was disappointing in many ways. -
Masanori Saito
Norio Fujitsukaランチは予約で! (Translated by Google) Make a reservation for lunch!ランチは予約で!
(Translated by Google)
Make a reservation for lunch! -
戸部敏博コースで頼みました (Translated by Google) I ordered it on the course.コースで頼みました
(Translated by Google)
I ordered it on the course. -
(Translated by Google)
I went there looking forward to the evening, but due to the poor customer service attitude of the staff, the meat didn't taste very good. I didn't know much about the meat when ordering, so when I asked a question, the response was cold, as if they were making fun of an amateur. The customer service attitude was so disappointing that I couldn't feel any sincerity towards the customers in every aspect of serving the food and pulling the plates, so I decided not to go there again. If I'm going to spend money anyway, I'd rather go to a restaurant where I can eat and feel good.
I don't think we should forget our original intentions when we opened the store just because it has become a bit popular. Who pays the salaries of the staff? I hope that they will never forget this and treat each and every customer with sincerity. -
藤塚徳夫上みすじ、最高! (Translated by Google) Kamisuji is the best!上みすじ、最高!
(Translated by Google)
Kamisuji is the best! -
ok gk少し高いですが美味しいです。また、焼肉の煙が下に吸い込まれて臭いが付かないのは良いと思った。ただ、個室で利用したところ店員さんを呼びにくかった。 (Translated by Google) It's a little expensive, but...少し高いですが美味しいです。また、焼肉の煙が下に吸い込まれて臭いが付かないのは良いと思った。ただ、個室で利用したところ店員さんを呼びにくかった。
(Translated by Google)
It's a little expensive, but it's delicious. Also, I thought it was good that the smoke from the yakiniku was sucked into the bottom and didn't cause any odor. However, when I used it in a private room, it was difficult to call the staff. -
thor Tお肉は上質で実に良いです。ランチは女性客で賑わってます。ちょっと男性だけだと入りづらい位の雰囲気ですね(笑) (Translated by Google) The meat is of high quality and really good. Lunch is crowded wi...お肉は上質で実に良いです。ランチは女性客で賑わってます。ちょっと男性だけだと入りづらい位の雰囲気ですね(笑)
(Translated by Google)
The meat is of high quality and really good. Lunch is crowded with female customers. It's a bit difficult to get into if you're just a man (lol) -
Takashi King
土方歳三本人わざわざ予約してきたのに、今外で待たされてます。 こんな経験初めてでビックリ。 食べてないけど、予約客を炎天下で待たせるとは最悪だ。 20分後席が用意できたとのことで入店し食事を済ます。 で、30分後。 ...わざわざ予約してきたのに、今外で待たされてます。
(Translated by Google)
I went to the trouble of making a reservation, but now I'm waiting outside.
I was surprised as it was my first time experiencing something like this.
I haven't eaten there, but making reservations customers wait in the hot sun is the worst.
After 20 minutes, I was told that a seat was available, so I went in and finished my meal.
So, 30 minutes later.
Leaving the store.
My review may be harsh because I was offended when I entered the restaurant, but given its popularity, there are plenty of lunch courses under 2,000 yen. Taste worth the price.
Personally, I just thought that everything was heavily seasoned to eliminate the smell of meat.
This is a restaurant that only young couples who want to take Instagram photos without knowing the taste should go to.
What's more, you can't use your card for payment, which is a violation of the card company's terms and conditions, right?
I have notified the credit card company so that they can no longer handle the transaction.
I will never go there again. 😡
Is the person who gave you a high rating, someone related to the store? Anyone know the taste? It's been a while since I felt sick. -
Kyosuke Kine
kko A
keigo takeda肉の旨味はしっかりと出ている。 機会があればまたいきたいと思える店。 (Translated by Google) The flavor of the meat is strong. A store that I would like to visit again if I have the chance.肉の旨味はしっかりと出ている。
(Translated by Google)
The flavor of the meat is strong.
A store that I would like to visit again if I have the chance. -
(Translated by Google)
I used it for lunch on a weekday. This popular restaurant is almost full by the time it opens at 11:30. Most of the customers are women, so it's clean and the cost performance is high. It feels like the perfect restaurant to relax and eat Yakiniku while chatting. The minus point was that it took 40 minutes for the meat to come out, perhaps because there were so many orders. An app is also available, and when you download it for the first time, you will receive a complimentary coffee made by the store. -
1 S2Rランチで利用。 肉の質は抜群にいい。 特にハラミが柔らかくて美味しい。 サービスは愛知にしてはいい方。 店員は可愛い。 デートでも使えるおしゃれ焼肉屋。 (Translated by Google) Used for lunch. The ...ランチで利用。
(Translated by Google)
Used for lunch.
The quality of the meat is excellent.
The skirt steak is especially soft and delicious.
The service is good for Aichi.
The clerk is cute.
A stylish yakiniku restaurant that can be used on dates. -
silk kagamiお肉の質と量はお値段以上です。 (Translated by Google) The quality and quantity of meat exceeds the price.お肉の質と量はお値段以上です。
(Translated by Google)
The quality and quantity of meat exceeds the price. -
Yoshie Uemura
南田涼リーズナブルで美味しくてきれい (Translated by Google) Affordable, delicious and cleanリーズナブルで美味しくてきれい
(Translated by Google)
Affordable, delicious and clean -
築山緑子肉が新鮮❗️ いろんな食べ方、焼き方を教えくれるので、お肉がとても美味しく頂ける! ビールも、最高に美味しいです。 (Translated by Google) The meat is fresh❗️ We will teach you various ways to eat and ...肉が新鮮❗️
(Translated by Google)
The meat is fresh❗️
We will teach you various ways to eat and grill the meat, so you can enjoy the delicious meat!
The beer is also super delicious. -
きなこ土曜の11時半頃来店しました。 予約が13時に入ってるので、13時までならいいですよと言われ入店しました。 時間は充分ありましたが、次回からは予約した方がいいと思いました。 ランチは、女性におススメという姫...土曜の11時半頃来店しました。
(Translated by Google)
I came to the store around 11:30 on a Saturday.
I had a reservation at 1pm, so I was told that I could stay until 1pm, so I entered.
Although we had plenty of time, I thought it would be better to make a reservation next time.
For lunch, I ordered Hime, which is recommended for women.
As the reputation suggests, the meat was tender and very delicious.
Refills of rice and miso soup are available.
I'm full.
I no longer want to go to Yakiniku where I only have an all-you-can-eat amount. -
masaki f1126上質なお肉と店員さんのサービス、ほりごたつ式の座敷のすべてで、満足しました。 (Translated by Google) I was completely satisfied with the quality meat, the staff's service, and the horigotatsu-style...上質なお肉と店員さんのサービス、ほりごたつ式の座敷のすべてで、満足しました。
(Translated by Google)
I was completely satisfied with the quality meat, the staff's service, and the horigotatsu-style seating area. -
Yoshiyuki Kitaguchi
岩村和信オーダーしてから、少し待たされましたが 素敵に盛り付けされたお肉が来たときにはそんなこと忘れてしまうくらい綺麗です😆🎵🎵 お肉の味も良くてかなりお値打ちです。 (Translated by Google) I had to wait a lit...オーダーしてから、少し待たされましたが
(Translated by Google)
I had to wait a little while after ordering.
It's so beautiful that you forget all about it when the beautifully arranged meat arrives 😆🎵🎵
The meat tastes good and it's a great value. -
たかやまえいこ美味しいし、お値打ちランチ。 (Translated by Google) A delicious and value lunch.美味しいし、お値打ちランチ。
(Translated by Google)
A delicious and value lunch. -
ZT S31
fumihiko hosoya余は満足じゃ!(*'▽'*) (Translated by Google) I'm satisfied! (*'▽'*)余は満足じゃ!(*'▽'*)
(Translated by Google)
I'm satisfied! (*'▽'*) -
福の神雰囲気もお肉もとても良い❗️お昼から美味しいお肉を食べたいならこのお店❗️ (Translated by Google) The atmosphere and the meat are very good❗️If you want to eat delicious meat for lunch, this is the pl...雰囲気もお肉もとても良い❗️お昼から美味しいお肉を食べたいならこのお店❗️
(Translated by Google)
The atmosphere and the meat are very good❗️If you want to eat delicious meat for lunch, this is the place❗️ -
satoshi hironaga
Kiyo URA SHIMA折角美味しいお肉を食べさせてくれるお店なのに、駐車場が狭くて行くのが億劫でしたが、お店の裏側南東部に十台くらいの駐車場を確保されましたので行きやすくなりました❗ (Translated by Google) Although it i...折角美味しいお肉を食べさせてくれるお店なのに、駐車場が狭くて行くのが億劫でしたが、お店の裏側南東部に十台くらいの駐車場を確保されましたので行きやすくなりました❗
(Translated by Google)
Although it is a restaurant that takes a lot of effort to serve delicious meat, the parking lot is small and it was a hassle to get there, but they have secured a parking lot for about 10 cars in the southeast part of the back of the restaurant, so it is easier to get there. ❗ -
成田祐輝美味しく雰囲気も素晴らしいです。予約してからの来店をお勧めします。 (Translated by Google) It's delicious and the atmosphere is great. We recommend making a reservation before visiting.美味しく雰囲気も素晴らしいです。予約してからの来店をお勧めします。
(Translated by Google)
It's delicious and the atmosphere is great. We recommend making a reservation before visiting. -
Taira Nakashimaたまに行きますが、普通に良いお店です。 お肉も良く美味しいです。 早い時間は子供連れも多く、小さな子がいても気まずいことはありません。 焼肉屋さんですが、謎のコーヒー推しでオリジナル?のコーヒーもらえ...たまに行きますが、普通に良いお店です。
(Translated by Google)
I go there occasionally, and it's usually a good store.
The meat is also good and delicious.
There are many people with children in the early hours, so you won't feel awkward even if you have small children.
It's a yakiniku restaurant, but is it original with a mysterious coffee specialty? You can also get some coffee.
The coffee is usually delicious, but I still have the mystery of why people like coffee at Yakiniku restaurants.
Anyway, it's a good show. -
バンランチは特に最高でした♪(´ε` ) (Translated by Google) Lunch was especially great♪(´ε`)ランチは特に最高でした♪(´ε` )
(Translated by Google)
Lunch was especially great♪(´ε`) -
やくるとあ(やくると)おいしい (Translated by Google) deliciousおいしい
(Translated by Google)
delicious -
319 Journeyランチをいただきました。 とても美味しかったです❗👍 ランチのお酒はリーズナブルに提供されていて、昼のみには嬉しいかぎりでした❗ 昼からお肉と生ビール(アサヒビール)最高⤴⤴ (Translated by Google) We had ...ランチをいただきました。
(Translated by Google)
We had lunch.
It was very delicious❗👍
Lunch drinks were offered at a reasonable price, which was great for lunch only.
Meat and draft beer (Asahi Beer) are the best from noon⤴⤴ -
Nazuki美味しい♥ (Translated by Google) Delicious ♥美味しい♥
(Translated by Google)
Delicious ♥ -
kousuke4649bまず店内が綺麗です 味は1850円のランチを食べたのですがそこらへんのチェーン店と肉の質が全然違います かなり美味しかったです また来店しようと思います (Translated by Google) First of all, the inside of...まず店内が綺麗です
(Translated by Google)
First of all, the inside of the store is clean.
I had a lunch for 1850 yen, and the quality of the meat was completely different from other chain restaurants.
It was quite delicious
I'm thinking of visiting again -
よねだしんや赤身の肉が売りと聞いて期待して夜行きましたが全部霜降り並。 そういう意味では期待はずれでしたがなにしろおいしかったです。 ランチも美味しい肉とおかわり自由のご飯で満足でした。 (Translated by Google) ...赤身の肉が売りと聞いて期待して夜行きましたが全部霜降り並。
(Translated by Google)
I went at night with high expectations after hearing that they sell red meat, but everything was just marbled.
In that sense, it was disappointing, but it was still delicious.
Lunch was also satisfying with delicious meat and free refills of rice. -
(Translated by Google)
I used it for lunch. Free refills of rice and miso soup. The meat is also of high quality, and the miso soup has a strong dashi stock that is both delicious and satisfying. If I had to point out a drawback, the net is neither a net nor a lattice, but rather a ladder shape, so the meat falls off smoothly. It's very sad. Everyone, please go beyond my corpse. I went there for the first time in a while, but I can't really tell, but I think the spacing between the nets is narrower than before. Were there many similar accidents?The truth remains in the dark. -
S Inuta
yu furutaランチで利用。リーズナブルに美味しい肉が食べれるし、ご飯もお代わりできたりと満足度は高い (Translated by Google) Used for lunch. You can eat delicious meat at a reasonable price, and the rice can b...ランチで利用。リーズナブルに美味しい肉が食べれるし、ご飯もお代わりできたりと満足度は高い
(Translated by Google)
Used for lunch. You can eat delicious meat at a reasonable price, and the rice can be refilled, so it's very satisfying. -
車屋引鉄屋実は珈琲も旨いっす (Translated by Google) Actually, the coffee is delicious too.実は珈琲も旨いっす
(Translated by Google)
Actually, the coffee is delicious too. -
kei oto量より質! (Translated by Google) Quality over quantity!量より質!
(Translated by Google)
Quality over quantity! -
Fei Yue